8 plex Ecoli Multiplexed Microbial Assembly - PacificBiosciences/DevNet GitHub Wiki


This dataset was generated for testing multiplexed microbial assembly applications.

Template Preparation

Template preparation for these samples followed the procedure checklist found here.


  • Sequel System
    • ICS v1.3.1 / SMRT Link v1.3.1
  • Chemistry 1.2.1 / Polymerase 1.0
  • Movie Time 6 hours

Results of Sequel System Multiplexed E.coli Assembly

Sequencing Metrics

  • Raw Data from 1 SMRT Cell
  • Total Number of Reads 494,807
  • Total Number of Bases 5.3 Gb
  • Average Read Length 10.6 kbp
  • N50 Read Length 18.6 kbp
  • Mean Coverage for 8 samples 110X
  • Coverage Range 95X - 135X


Data were processed using HGAP4 from SMRT Analysis version 4.0 (per barcode) using default settings, including automatic seed size determination for preassembly, and an expected genome size of 4.6Mb. Instructions on multiplex HGAP analysis can be found in the apps-scripts repository.

Raw Data