Comandos para los juegos 1er Entrega - PabloFederico/template-tp-grupal GitHub Wiki
###Lista de comandos para PickStick
- look around
- pick stick
- What can i do with stick?
- help pickstick
- exit game
###Lista de comandos para OpenDoor
- look around
- pick key
- open door
- What can i do with key?
- What can i do with door?
- help opendoor
- exit game
###Lista de comandos para OpenDoor2
- look around
- open box
- close box
- open door
- pick key
- What can i do with door?
- What can i do with box?
- What can i do with key?
- help opendoor2
- exit game
###Lista de comandos para TowerOfHanoi
- check top stack [numero de stack]
- move top stack [numero de stack origen] stack [numero destack destino]
- What can i do with [numero de stack]?
- help towerofhanoi
- exit game
###Lista de comandos para CursedObject
- look around
- open door1
- open door2
- pick key
- Talk to thief 'Hello'
- Talk to thief 'Bye'
- What can i do with door1?
- What can i do with door2?
- What can i do with key?
- help cursedobject
- exit game
###Lista de comandos para WolfSheepCol
- look around
- take wolf
- leave wolf
- take sheep
- take sheep
- take col
- leave col
- cross south-shore
- cross north-shore
- What can i do with wolf?
- What can i do with sheep?
- What can i do with col?
- help wolfsheepcol
- exit game
###Lista de comandos para TreasureHunt
- look around
- open door1
- open door2
- open door3
- open door4
- open box
- open wardrobe
- open oddlookingbox
- close box
- close wardrobe
- close oddlookingbox
- pick key
- pick key2
- pick antidoto
- pick treasure
- What can i do with door1?
- What can i do with door2?
- What can i do with door3?
- What can i do with door4?
- What can i do with key?
- help treasureHunt
- exit game