Configurables - PaVoS-TECO/core GitHub Wiki
PaVoS has many options that may be configured to fit your deployment scenario. These options are listed here.
Configurable in file:
- FROST-Server address & port
- Kafka Broker address & port
- Schema Registry address & port
- Format of messages to Kafka (JSON or Avro)
Please read the notes below the table. Configurable via environment variables:
service | variable | type [1] | default [2] | description |
Graphite | PAVOS_GRAPHITE_FROM_BEGINNING | boolean | "false" | whether a start from the beginning is required |
Graphite | PAVOS_GRAPHITE_HOST_NAME | String | "" | host-name of Graphite |
Graphite | PAVOS_GRAPHITE_PORT | int | "2004" | port of the Graphite-connection |
Memcached | PAVOS_MEMCACHED_LOCATION | String | "" | host-name of Memcached |
Memcached | PAVOS_MEMCACHED_PORT | int | "11211" | port of Memcached |
Grid | PAVOS_DEFAULT_GRID_NAME | String | "recursiveRectangleGrid" | name of the Grid |
Grid | PAVOS_DEFAULT_GRID_ROWS | int | "2" | rows of the Grid |
Grid | PAVOS_DEFAULT_GRID_COLUMNS | int | "2" | columns of the Grid |
Grid | PAVOS_DEFAULT_GRID_LEVELS | int | "3" | Zoom-Levels for the map |
Grid | PAVOS_DEFAULT_GRID_X_MIN | double | "-180.0" | minimum degree of x (longitude) for the map |
Grid | PAVOS_DEFAULT_GRID_X_MAX | double | "180.0" | maximum degree of x (longitude) for the map |
Grid | PAVOS_DEFAULT_GRID_Y_MIN | double | "-85.0" | minimum degree of y (latitude) for the map [3] |
Grid | PAVOS_DEFAULT_GRID_Y_MAX | double | "85.0" | maximum degree of y (latitude) for the map [3] |
Kafka | BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG | String | "localhost:9092" | Kafka bootstrap server (should be same as broker in |
Kafka | SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL_CONFIG | String | "http://localhost:8081" | Schema registry address (should be same as broker in |
- [1]: "type" defines the required scope of the parameter, but environment variables are always of type String (i.e. conversion will take place internally)
- [2]: Default values are used if the environment variables are not set
- [3]: Leaflet only allows latitudes in the range [-85.0,85.0]
Many settings of the webinterface can be configured in the file src/main/webapp/resources/js/app/appManager.js
of the webinterface repo.
variable | type | default | description |
SERVER_URL | String | '' | URL of the machine where the Core is running |
EDMS_PORT | int | '8084' | port of the export servlet |
CORE_PORT | int | '7700' | socket port of core for communication |
GRAFANA_PORT | int | '3000' | port of Grafana |
GRAFANA_PANEL_TYPE | String | 'd-solo' | - |
GRAFANA_PANEL_ID | String | '86xD1ahik' | - |
Note: there are a few other configurables that are not mentioned here.