Connect with Frackstock App - PaMuGa/Frackstock GitHub Wiki

The Frackstock app measures the RSSI (received signal strength indicator) value of the advertising signal for all advertising Frackstocks. To connect to one specific Frackstock, you need a RSSI value of greater than -45 (dBm) for establishing a BLE link. Therefore, hold your smartphone next to the head of your Frackstock to get the best signal. Depending on the antenna position in your smartphone, some movement and rotating is recommended for receiving the most strength signal.

The RSSI threshold value of -55 was tested with a Samsung Galaxy S5 and could be different for other smartphones.

I'm still ot able to connect

  • Be sure that the advertising is activated (blue advertising indication with LEDs)
  • Measure the received RSSI values with another app (eg. BLE Scanner). Reconfigure the threshold if you never get a RSSI greater or equal to -55 dBm