Items - PaGr0m/RogueLike GitHub Wiki

There are some cool items that you can find all over the dungeons.


There are three types of med-kits in the game.

As you can see, you can easily identify med-kit as it looks like some red box with a white cross on top of it.

There are small, medium and big med-kits. Small med-kit restores 25 HP, medium50 HP and big – 75 HP. The more HP med-kit restores, the lower the chance for it to spawn on the map.

But how do I know, how much HP will restore med-kit, which I found? – There is no way, before you pick it up. Once picked up, you will have floating message, that says, how much HP does this med-kit restore. If you don't like it, you always can throw it away from your inventory (see controls if you don't know, how to do it yet).

N.B. For your safety, you can't use med-kit, when you have full HP


A nice way of exploring the world is to visit the places, where you have already been to start your journey in another direction. But the map is very big, how can I come back, if I traveled a lot?

There is the answer: teleportation! As you can see on picture, teleports are those little useful square items.

How to use it? Firstly, you have to mark the destination, where do you want to travel back. After this, you will still have teleportation device in your inventory, but it will change color. To activate the teleport, just use it again and you will immediately turn up in the place, that you marked before.

It also has a tactical advantage: you can make angry a lot of enemies and then just teleport behind their backs to destroy everyone!


One of the most rare and valuable items in the game is armor. Fining any of these guarantees you a great advantage till the end of the game.

All armor items look the same: as on the picture on the left. As with the med-kits: you can't know, what is inside of the box, before you pick it. And similarly you will have floating text and dedicated icon in your inventory, describing, what have you just picked up.

You can find out more about armor on it's wiki-page, check it up!