Home - PaGr0m/RogueLike GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the RogueLike wiki!

This game is created as a project in "Software Design" course. The main purpose of a project is to gain some experience using multiple architectural patterns in software design.

The game is a classic rogue like, where you have a control over some character, that exploring infinitely generating dungeons. He has just one life. One chance to survive.

Key features

  • Randomly generated dungeons
  • Different attacking spells
  • Collectible armor that can protect character
  • Leveling system and experience points, gained for killing enemies
  • Destructible environment
  • Save and load

What next?

To learn key concepts, how to play the game, visit controls page.

If you want know more about enemies, weapons or loot, check those pages: bestiary, weapons, loot

To get more fun and get along with our .mapfile format, try to build your own map! We have a tutorial for this case.


Евгений Кравченко https://github.com/ZhekehZ

Громов Павел https://github.com/PaGr0m

Картышева Елена https://github.com/karl-crl

Чори Александр https://github.com/HarmlessEvil