Helper Methods - PULSAR-Modders/pulsar-mod-loader GitHub Wiki

Pulsar Mod Loader contains various helper methods to get PLPlayers, generally best used for chat commands. These methods can be found in the class located at PulsarModLoader.utilities.HelperMethods.

Getting PLPlayers

Returns a PLPlayer from the many input types.

GetPlayer(string arguments) attempts to return the player by using the ID, playerName, and ClassName methods.

PLPlayer GetPlayer(string argument);
PLPlayer GetPlayerFromPlayerID(string ID);
PLPlayer GetPlayerFromPlayerID(int ID);
PLPlayer GetPlayerFromPlayerName(string playerName);
PLPlayer GetPlayerFromClassName(string ClassName);


Returns an integer representing a classID, as well as a true/false value for whether it managed to convert the input string.
Inputs a string representing the class name.

int GetClassIDFromClassName(string ClassName, out bool Successfull);


Returns the ship from the letter displayed alongside it in the in-game UI

PLShipInfoBase GetShipFromLetterTag(string arg);