Writing Properties - PTMagicians/PTMagic GitHub Wiki

This page is here to explain how to setup your settings correctly to overwrite the PAIRS.PROPERTIES, DCA.PROPERTIES or INDICATORS.PROPERTIES of your Profit Trailer using PT Magic.


In general you have two options to specify settings for Profit Trailer to get used by PT Magic. You can have a single set of PAIRS/DCA/INDICATORS settings in your default folder and specify individual settings changes to your PT config, OR you can have a different set of settings files for EVERY global setting that will completely replace your entire PT config. You can also use a combination of these two approaches.

1. Using a preset file

By using a preset file, you are able to load a complete file when a global setting is true (for example PAIRS.PROPERTIES) and apply them to your Profit Trailer settings. However, if you specify a settings files it MUST be located in a folder "_presets/SETTINGNAME/" to be found by PTMagic. The name of the folder must EXACTLY match the name of the global setting. If there is no matching folder and file, you will get an error and PTM will stop giving you an error: Loading XXX.properties failed for setting GLOBALSETTINGNAME: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.

Example: "SettingName": GlobalSetting1 { "PairsProperties": {
"File": "PAIRS.PROPERTIES" "(any other settings you like)"
} }

2. Using a collection of properties

When you are using a collection of properties, you are able to specifically overwrite only single properties of your settings and leave the rest as it currently is.

Example: "SettingName": GlobalSetting1 {
"PairsProperties": {
"DEFAULT_buy_value": -0.9,
"DEFAULT_trailing_profit": 0.15 } }

Flat values

You can set a Profit Trailer property to a specific new value to fully overwrite the old value.

"DEFAULT_buy_value": -0.9

Offset by value

You can set a Profit Trailer property to a an offset of the current value BY a fixed value.

"DEFAULT_buy_value_OFFSET": -0.1

  • The current setting for DEFAULT_buy_value is -1
  • You use "DEFAULT_buy_value_OFFSET": -0.1
  • The new setting for DEFAULT_buy_value will be -1.1 => So the original value got offset by a fixed value

Offset by percent

You can set a Profit Trailer property to a an offset of the current value BY a percent of the old value.


  • The current setting for DEFAULT_buy_value is -1
  • You use "DEFAULT_buy_value_OFFSETPERCENT": -20
  • The new setting for DEFAULT_buy_value will be -1.2 => So the original value got offset by -20%