Updating PT Magic - PTMagicians/PTMagic GitHub Wiki
Follow the steps below any time you update PTMagic.
Important: Do not delete the files or folders in your existing PT Magic installation before copying the update files in the steps listed below. otherwise you might lose your settings.
To prevent accidentally over-writing your settings, the following files are never included in the main folder of the release: settings.analyzer.json, settings.general.json, settings.secure.json, appsettings.json (Monitor) and the entire _presets folder.
Updates of PT Magic usually do not require any settings changes! If so, they will be highlighted in the release notes.
Update Instructions:
Always Backup your current installation of PTMagic in case of an unforeseen problems.
Download latest release (ZIP) of PT Magic:
Unpack the ZIP file to a temporary location
Stop PT Magic and the PT Magic Monitor by simply closing the appropriate command line windows
Navigate to the folder PT Magic inside your newly unpackend folder PTMagic.x.y.z
Copy all files (including the folder Monitor) from this folder into your old and already existing PT Magic directoy and select "Yes" if you are asked to overwrite existing files.
ATTENTION To make that clear, simply copy the files located in PT Magic of your newly downloaded and unpacked release to your already existing PT Magic folder!
Run "Start PTMagic.cmd" to start the bot
Run "Start PTMagic Monitor.cmd" to start the monitoring service