Reset PT Magic Data - PTMagicians/PTMagic GitHub Wiki
To Reset all the collected exchange data used to create trends:
- Stop PT Magic
- Delete the folder "Exchange" in "_data" in PT Magic
- Restart PT Magic (Depending on the timeframe of your trends, it will take time to rebuild the data)
To reset all Single Market Settings offset triggers:
- Stop PT Magic
- Delete the file "SingleMarketSettingSummary.json" in "_data" in PT Magic
- Restart PT Magic
To reset sales data
PTMagic does not store any of your sales data. It only reads from the Profit Trailer database.
To reset your sales data you will need to delete the file from your Profit Trailer data folder. CAUTION: this will delete all your buy and sell data for Profit Trailer. If you are troubleshooting, you should make a back-up copy of this file.