Building and Debugging TortoiseSI - PTC-ALM/TortoiseSI GitHub Wiki

Building Requirements

  1. You will need Visual Studio 2013 Professional Edition or Community Edition.
  2. Once you've installed Visual Studio you'll need to install Wix Toolset (version 3.9). You can find the install in Visual Studio, via Tools > Extensions and Updates.

Initial Debug Setup

  1. Install a current version of TortoiseSI (as noted in Installing TortoiseSI & Language Packs to get all the registry keys necessary for basic functionality of the integration.
  2. Manually create developer-specific registry keys as required in Registry Keys Used by TortoiseSI if they do not exist.
  3. Set the DebugDllLocation and DebugDll32Location registry values (in the registry as noted in Registry Keys Used by TortoiseSI) to the locations of the debug versions of the TortoiseSI dlls you build. DebugDllLocation is for the location of the 64 bit dll, and DebugDll32Location is for the location of the 32 bit dll.
  4. You will likely also want to set the LoadDllOnlyInExplorer registry values (in the registry as noted in Registry Keys Used by TortoiseSI) to avoid your debug dll being loaded by other processes.

Every Time You Rebuild the dlls

  1. You will need to kill any explorer.exe process.
  2. Build the dlls.
  3. Restart explorer or start explorer with the debugger attached.

Continuous Builds

Pull requests and merges into the master branch are built automatically on appveyor.