Strategy - PSanderHorizon/CS-230-02-Group-10-Entrepeneur-Ethics GitHub Wiki

For the next three to five years we will be working hard to establish our brand and our reputation, as well as a reliable customer base. We will do this by forming key partnerships with advocacy groups for the vision impaired that will both enable us to reach a wider audience and to help us develop our products even further. In addition, we will be coordinating with medical and research groups to gain access to and contribute to cutting edge research in vision research, sensor development, and wearable technology. We have identified the following key goals for our success as follows:

We have reviewed a several assistive vision devices already on the market, including IrisVision, Acesight, NuEyes Pro, eSight, and others. There are many worthy products, in this field, but they rely on bespoke hardware and software, increasing the cost to start up and get a product to market. We plan to innovate in this area by taking advantange of an existing product, the Microsoft HoloLens, and developing custom software using its unique capabilities to expand on vision access. For instance, with its eye tracking, it can enable a client's focus to trigger automatic enlargement of text or reading of a sign. Its mixed reality features and speech recognition can enable a wide range of features, from asking for assistance with locating a particular type of object, to potentially enabling safer navigation in dim or darker-lit scenarios. This will also enable us to continually innovate and deliver new updates and features to our clients along with enabling useful integrations with many other devices. Later, if there is a demonstrated need, we can investigate manufacturing of our own devices, should a need materialize for specialized hardware or we find restrictions in the Hololens technology.

Objectives and Key Results

Develop prototype into release product

  • Acquire and develop initial prototype software
  • Focus group testing
  • Refine and iterate on software design
  • Form wholesale and distribution agreement for Hololens hardware

Form Key Partnerships

  • Meet with 10 health insurance groups
  • Meet with 10 advocacy groups
  • Meet with 10 research groups
  • Form 5 partnerships


  • Produce a demonstration video on Youtube, get 100k views
  • Form Twitter account, post 10 tweets a week, gain 25k followers
  • Update 1 Article a Week on Website

Increase Sales

  • Perform 10 focus groups
  • Sell 10k units
  • Sell 2k add-on accessories

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