Batch files - PSP-Archive/dosbox_psp GitHub Wiki

Creating simple batch files will make launching and playing DOS games on your PSP much easier. Just create a .txt file with any text editor, add the settings your game requires, and rename it to have a .bat extension.

System configuration

The settings below will override the ones included in the dosbox.conf file once the batch is launched.

@frameskip = 2

This will run the game at 10'000 cycles using a dynamic core, a frame skip of 2, keeping the game's original aspect ratio. Some settings, such as sensitivity and output, cannot be changed through batch files.

Sample batch

Example of a batch file to launch the game Alley Cat:

@frameskip = 0

cd Games\alleycat

INPUTMAP right right
INPUTMAP down down 
INPUTMAP left left
INPUTMAP triangle k
INPUTMAP square h
INPUTMAP cross y
INPUTMAP circle t
INPUTMAP ltrigger n
INPUTMAP rtrigger a
INPUTMAP start enter
INPUTMAP select esc 

INPUTMAP analog mouse

INPUTMAP exec cat.exe