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Pharinix execute index.php on each user call, see .htaccess.

It don't consider HTML how the default output format, although if don't have other it output HTML, param interface=1. Commands must output her results as array and if it's necessary translate to JSON, XML, HTML, or other, with help of commands like echoJson, param interface=echoJson.

A jQuery call to load a json result should be:


    type: "POST",

    url:  "<?php echo CMS_DEFAULT_URL_BASE; ?>",

    data: {

        command: "templateEditorList",

        interface: echoJson, // Interface = echoJson to see result how json encoded string.


}).done(function ( data ) {

    // Do something...


This call can get something like:


And this is the implementation of the command templateEditorList:

if (!class_exists("commandTemplateEditorList")) {

    class commandTemplateEditorList extends driverCommand {

        public static function runMe(&$params, $debug = true) {

            // Get the list of templates

            $data = driverTools::lsDir("etc/templates/pages/", "*.xml");

            // output, to the client, how json
            //TODO: Update command and example in documentation.

            driverCommand::run("echoJson", $data["files"]);


        public static function getHelp() {

            return array(

                "description" => "Echo a json list of templates. ['default', ...]}", 

                "parameters" => array(), 

                "response" => array()





return new commandTemplateEditorList();

So easy, no? :D

The related call only need execute index.php, a few of structural loads, and the command itself.


All commands have two hooks, before and after the execution. For example, to nothing command we have beforenothingHook and afternothingHook.

Hooks list:

You can get a complete list of hooks in your system with the command getCommandHelp.

"2": {
                        "name": "pageToHtmlTypeHook",
                        "description": "Allow change the document type.",
                        "parameters": {
                            "element": "Document type tag, default is '<!DOCTYPE html>'."
                    "3": {
                        "name": "pageToHtmlRootHook",
                        "description": "Allow change default HTML root tag.",
                        "parameters": {
                            "element": "The actual tag.",
                            "lang": "Raw language code needed."
                    "4": {
                        "name": "pageToHtmlHeadHook",
                        "description": "Allow change default head tag.",
                        "parameters": {
                            "charset": "Needed charset",
                            "pagetitle": "Main page title.",
                            "generalTitle": "General page title.",
                            "metas": "Array of tags required by the XML template.",
                            "element": "Prebuild head tag."
                    "5": {
                        "name": "pageToHtmlOpenBodyHook",
                        "description": "Allow change default open body tag.",
                        "parameters": {
                            "element": "Prebuild open body tag."
                    "6": {
                        "name": "pageToHtmlCloseBodyHook",
                        "description": "Allow change default close body tag.",
                        "parameters": {
                            "element": "Prebuild close body tag."
                    "7": {
                        "name": "pageToHtmlOpenMainContentHook",
                        "description": "Allow change default container block.",
                        "parameters": {
                            "element": "Prebuild open tag.",
                            "class": "Class attribute to set to the block.",
                            "tag": "Tag type to close the block, default is 'div'."
                    "8": {
                        "name": "pageToHtmlCloseMainContentHook",
                        "description": "Allow change default container block.",
                        "parameters": {
                            "element": "Prebuild open tag.",
                            "tag": "Tag type to close the block, default is 'div'."
                    "9": {
                        "name": "pageToHtmlCustomJavascriptHook",
                        "description": "Allow change custom Javascript in page foot.",
                        "parameters": {
                            "element": "Prebuild <script> block.",
                            "raw": "Required Javascript code."
                    "10": {
                        "name": "pageToHtmlCustomStylesHook",
                        "description": "Allow change custom CSS styles in page foot.",
                        "parameters": {
                            "element": "Prebuild <style> block.",
                            "raw": "Required CSS."
                    "11": {
                        "name": "pageToHtmlOpenRowHook",
                        "description": "Allow change the open row tag.",
                        "parameters": {
                            "element": "Prebuild open tag.",
                            "attributes": "Array of attributes to apply.",
                            "tag": "Tag type to close the block, default is 'div'. If is empty, '', pageToHTML don't add the close tag."
                    "12": {
                        "name": "pageToHtmlOpenColHook",
                        "description": "Allow change the open column tag.",
                        "parameters": {
                            "element": "Prebuild open tag.",
                            "attributes": "Array of attributes to apply.",
                            "tag": "Tag type to close the block, default is 'div'. If is empty, '', pageToHTML don't add the close tag."
"2": {
                        "name": "smartyRenderBeforeDisplay",
                        "description": "Allow change configuration of the Smarty instance before render the template.",
                        "parameters": {
                            "page": "Readonly, rendered page ID.",
                            "smarty": "Configured Smarty instance before display the template.",
                            "tpl": "Template file to render."
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️