Data Verification in the RTTV - PSASCapstone2013/rttv GitHub Wiki

The RTTV logs all ADIS, ROLL and GPS1 JSON messages which are sent to frontend. Every message is also logged after it is scaled and converted into MKS units. The log file will be in json format with one message per line.

The RTTV also has a validation log which writes all messages which have too high or too low values in it. This log requires -d flag for the program, the debug mode, in order to work. This log is a simple text file. This validation works for ADIS messages only because they have the most complicated processing.

Validation Log Example:

This log contains messages with values which don't pass validation

ADIS validation: GyroscopeX = -300.050 deg/sec is too low!

========================== ADIS ==========================


description hex short floating

PowerSupply: 2c08 2092 5.058 V

GyroscopeX: 8fe8 -6001 -300.050 deg/sec

GyroscopeY: 1101 273 13.650 deg/sec

GyroscopeZ: 0bff -245 -12.250 deg/sec

AccelerometerX: 1701 279 9.111 m/s^2

AccelerometerY: dbff -37 -1.208 m/s^2

AccelerometerZ: 2900 41 1.339 m/s^2

MagnetometerX: d505 1493 0.000074650 teslas

MagnetometerY: 7401 372 0.000018600 teslas

MagnetometerZ: 37ff -201 -0.000010050 teslas

Temperature: 3700 55 280.700 deg K

AuxiliaryADC: 0000 0 0.000000000 V

ADIS validation: AccelerometerX = 178.074 m/s^2 is too high!

========================== ADIS ==========================


description hex short floating

PowerSupply: 2c08 2092 5.058 V

GyroscopeX: ee08 2286 114.300 deg/sec

GyroscopeY: 99f9 -1639 -81.950 deg/sec

GyroscopeZ: a102 673 33.650 deg/sec

AccelerometerX: 4d15 5453 178.074 m/s^2

AccelerometerY: c6fd -570 -18.614 m/s^2

AccelerometerZ: 72fc -910 -29.717 m/s^2

MagnetometerX: c303 963 0.000048150 teslas

MagnetometerY: 1700 23 0.000001150 teslas

MagnetometerZ: 24fd -732 -0.000036600 teslas

Temperature: 2f00 47 279.580 deg K

AuxiliaryADC: 0000 0 0.000000000 V

All logs are written into the "log" directory.