Home - PRIDE-Utilities/ms-data-core-api GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the ms-data-core-api wiki!

The ms-data-core-api is a modular and open-source library aimed to develop computational proteomics tools. The API, written in Java, enables rapid tool creation by providing a robust, pluggable programming interface and common data model. The data object model is based on controlled vocabularies/ontologies and captures the whole range of data types included in common proteomics experimental workflows, going from spectra and identification data to quantification results.

The library contains readers of three of the most used Proteomics Standards Initiative standard file formats (mzML, mzIdentML and mzTab). In addition to mzML, it also supports the other most commonly used mass spectra formats: dta, ms2, mgf, pkl, apl (text-based), mzXML and mzData (XML-based).

Some links: