Building an APK file - POINT-VR/POINT-VR-Chapter-1 GitHub Wiki

Instructions for building the APK file

General Building Procedure

  1. If this project was kept open in the editor since the last build, you may skip to Step 5
  2. In the Build Settings, open Player Settings
  3. Open Publishing Settings
  4. Put in the keystore password (twice) [dm Sonali for the password]
  5. Open Build Settings
  6. Select Build
  7. Ensure that you are placing your build in the Builds folder of the project folder

If Building for the First Time

  1. Open Unity Hub
  2. Go to Installs
  3. Go to version 2019.4.20f1, the version used for our project
  4. Add modules
  1. Make sure that Android Build Support is checked
  2. Expand the dropdown under Android Build Support
  3. Ensure that Android SDK & NDK Tools and OpenJDK are checked
  4. Install these if necessary
  1. Open the project in the editor
  2. Open Build Settings (File->Build Settings...)
  3. Under Platform, select Android
  1. Click the button on the bottom right of the build window to Switch Platform
  2. Click the button on the bottom left of the build window to open Player Settings
  3. In the Android tab, go to Other Settings
  1. Ensure the Minimum API Level is set to Android 7.0 'Nougat' (API Level 24)
  2. Ensure the Target API Level is set to Automatic (highest installed)
  3. Close Other Settings and open Publishing Settings
  4. Ensure the custom keystore is set to the path: ProjectSettings/pointvr.keystore
  5. Enter the password (it is pinned in the #group1 channel on our discord)
  6. Ensure the project key alias is set to pointvr
  7. Enter the password again (same one)
  1. In the project settings (Edit->Project Settings...), open the XR Plug-In Management menu
  2. In the Android tab, ensure that Oculus is enabled
  1. Reopen the build settings
  2. Set the Run Device to All compatible devices
  3. Select Build
  4. Ensure that you are placing your build in the Builds folder of the project folder

Side Note: The Product Name in the Player Settings Menu sets the name of the app you will see inside the headset.