How To Run The DESPEC Analysis Framework - PNapi90/DESPEC-Analysis-Framework GitHub Wiki

To retrieve and run the DESPEC Analysis Code enter the following commands into the terminal.

  • git clone (Makes of copy of the code in the current directory)
  • cd DESPEC-Analysis-Framework (Moves to DESPEC-Analysis-Framework directory)
  • . /cvmfs/ (Sets up Go4login for this directory)
  • make clean (Removes all files produced by the 'make' operation)
  • make (Compiles the program and generates all files necessary for analysis)
  • go4analysis -file <path/filename> -asf <ROOTfilename>

The final command runs the program on data file 'filename' and puts all data into a ROOT file 'ROOTfilename'.

The Configuration Files Folder :

The Configuration_Files folder contains many important files for the analysis, including calibration and setup files which are explained on their respective Detector System page.

Some files apply to all detector systems and may need to be changed to correctly analyse a given data file. These files are explained below.

Used_Systems.txt tells the code which detector systems are included in the data. These should be set to 0 if the system is not used or 1 if it is. It is not essential to disable all unused systems as the code will still function correctly.

The second general setup file is PrcID_to_Det_System.txt, this should be set up correctly, but if the Process ID for a given system has changed recently, or if you are analysing an old file the ProcIDs in this file may need to be changed.

The third general setup file is Detector_System_Setup_File.txt. This contains variables that affect multiple detector systems, but for ease of use these variables have been amalgamated to a single setup file. The variables in this file should be changed depending on your preferred analysis setup. Most of these variables refer to the FATIMA Detector Exclusion, which is explained in detail here.

Additional Notes :

When git pull-ing it is often good to make a copy of the Configuration Files folder so this is not overwritten by whatever settings are outlined in the Github version. Likewise saving previous configurations you wish to return to can also be useful.

As the code is still being written some of the code is not completely user-friendly, if you have any questions about the code please use the contacts provided on the homepage.