Public Functions - PMStanley/ARMax GitHub Wiki

Function List

  • DLLVersion
  • InitMaxSave
  • FreeMaxSave
  • LoadSave
  • NumberOfFiles
  • AddFileToSave
  • DeleteFileInSave
  • DeleteFileInSaveByName
  • SaveMaxFile
  • SetRootDir
  • GetRootDir
  • FileExists
  • FileExistsInSavePos
  • ReplaceFileInSave
  • AddDataAsFile
  • FileDetails
  • CopyFileToBuffer
  • ExtractAFile
  • ExtractAFileAs
  • GetFileSize
  • AsciiToSJis
  • SJisToAscii


Overview Returns the internal version of the DLL. Different revisions may use different parameters for functions, it is advisable to check the version number of the DLL before using any functions.

Declaration function DLLVersion : integer; stdCall;

Returns a 32 bit integer.

Usage The DLL does not need to be initiated before use.


version := DLLVersion;


Overview Initialises the internal data structures used when accessing .max saves. Required before using any other functions.

Declaration function InitMaxSave : integer; stdCall;

Returns a 32 bit integer.

The result of a successful initialization is 0. If the DLL is already initialized the result will be $F8 (constant ALREADY_INITIALISED)

Usage The DLL must not be initiated before use.


theResult := InitMaxSave;


Overview Releases the internal data structures used by the DLL. Must be the last function called when no longer working with the DLL.

Declaration function FreeMaxSave: integer; stdCall;

Returns a 32 bit integer.

Successful result is 0. If the DLL is already uninitialized the result will be $F9 (constant NOT_INITIALISED)

Usage The DLL must be initiated before use.


theResult := FreeMaxSave;


Overview Loads an existing .max save into memory and allows direct access to the files contained.

Declaration function LoadSave(fileName: PChar): integer; stdCall;

Returns a 32 bit integer.

Successful result is 0. If the DLL is uninitialized the result will be $F9 (constant NOT_INITIALISED)

Usage The DLL must be initiated before use.


theResult := LoadSave(pathToFile);


Overview Returns the amount of files within the .max save in memory.

Declaration function NumberOfFiles : integer; stdCall;

Returns a 32 bit integer.

A successful result is a number greater than 0 but below 249. If the DLL is uninitialized the result will be $F9 (constant NOT_INITIALISED)

Usage The DLL must be initiated before use.


theResult := NumberOfFiles;


Overview Adds a file to the .max save in memory

Declaration function AddFileToSave(fileName : PChar): integer; stdCall;

Returns a 32 bit integer.

Successful result is 0. If the DLL is uninitialized the result will be $F9 (constant NOT_INITIALISED). If there is already a file with the same filename the result will be $F7 (constant FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS).

Usage The DLL must be initiated before use.


theResult := AddFileToSave(pathtoFile);


Overview Deletes a file from the .max save in memory

Declaration Function DeleteFileInSave(itemNum : integer): integer; stdCall;

Returns a 32 bit integer.

Successful result is 0. If the DLL is uninitialized the result will be $F9 (constant NOT_INITIALISED)

Usage The DLL must be initiated before use.

The parameter passed is the number of the file to delete from the internal list. Use a combination of NumberOfFiles and FileDetails to obtain a list of files. Note: The number passed has a direct relationship to the file listing, to delete the first file in the list pass 1 as the parameter. To delete the last save out of a list of 8 pass 8 as the parameter.


theResult := DeleteFileInSave(1);


Overview Deletes a file from the .max save in memory by comparing the filename passed to those in the internal memory.

Declaration function DeleteFileInSaveByName(fileName : PChar): integer; stdCall;

Returns a 32 bit integer.

Successful result is 0. If the DLL is uninitialized the result will be $F9 (constant NOT_INITIALISED)

Usage The DLL must be initiated before use.

The parameter passed is the file name of the file to delete from the internal list. Use a combination of NumberOfFiles and FileDetails to obtain a list of files and their names. Note: The file name passed is case sensitive. Passing Icon.sys will not delete icon.sys from the file listing.


theResult := DeleteFileInSaveByName(nameOfFile);


Overview Creates a .max file with containing all the files in memory with the name and location specified.

Declaration function SaveMaxFile(fileName : PChar): integer; stdCall;

Returns a 32 bit integer.

Successful result is 0. If the DLL is uninitialized the result will be $F9 (constant NOT_INITIALISED)

Usage The DLL must be initiated before use.

The parameter passed is the file name and location of where to save the .max file. Note: If no Root Dir name has been set (either by loading an existing .max file or by setting it using SetRootDir) the default text 'New Directory' will be used.


theResult := SaveMaxFile(PathAndFileName);


Overview Sets the Root Directory of the .max save. This is the directory the files will be extracted to on the PS2 Memory card.

Declaration function SetRootDir(name : PChar): integer; stdCall;

Returns a 32 bit integer.

Successful result is 0. If the DLL is uninitialized the result will be $F9 (constant NOT_INITIALISED)

Usage The DLL must be initiated before use.

The parameter passed is the name of the parent directory for all the files on the memory card. Note: If no Root Directory name has been set (either by loading an existing .max file or by setting it using SetRootDir) when saving a .max file the default text 'New Directory' will be used.

Text over 31 printable characters in length will be truncated.


theResult := SetRootDir(nameOfDirectory);


Overview Gets the Root Directory of the .max save. This is the directory the files will be extracted to on the PS2 Memory card.

Declaration function GetRootDir(buffer : PChar; buffersize : integer): integer; stdCall;

Returns a 32 bit integer.

Successful result is 0. If the DLL is uninitialized the result will be $F9 (constant NOT_INITIALISED)

Usage The DLL must be initiated before use.

The buffer passed should be a pointer to 32 bytes long (31 chars + trailing 0x00) array of char.


theResult := GetRootDir(nameOfDirectory, 32);


Overview Does a case sensitive search for a filename in the files in memory.

Declaration function FileExistsInSave(name : PChar): integer; stdCall;

Returns a 32 bit integer.

Successful result is 1, an unsuccessful result is 0. If the DLL is uninitialized the result will be $F9 (constant NOT_INITIALISED)

Usage The DLL must be initiated before use.

The parameter passed is the name of file to search for. Note: The file name passed is case sensitive. Passing Icon.sys will return false (0) if the name is icon.sys.


theResult := FileExistsInSave(nameOfFile);


Overview Does a case sensitive search for a filename in the files in memory and returns it's position in the list.

Declaration function FileExistsInSavePos(name : PChar): integer; stdCall;

Returns a 32 bit integer.

Successful result is a value greater than 0, an unsuccessful result (filename not found) is -1. If the DLL is uninitialized the result will be $F9 (constant NOT_INITIALISED)

Usage The DLL must be initiated before use.

The parameter passed is the name of file to search for. Note: The file name passed is case sensitive. Passing Icon.sys will return false (-1) if the name is icon.sys.


theResult := FileExistsInSavePos(nameOfFile);


Overview Replaces an existing file with the data of another file. The existing filename passed is case sensitive. The filename of the data to replace with does not need to match the existing filename as this name will not be used in the .max save.

Declaration function ReplaceFileInSave(existingFileName : PChar; newFile : PChar): integer; stdCall;

Returns a 32 bit integer.

Successful result is 0. If the DLL is uninitialized the result will be $F9 (constant NOT_INITIALISED)

Usage The DLL must be initiated before use.

The first parameter passed is the name of file whose data will be replaced, the second parameter is the location and filename of the file whose data will replace the originals. Note: The file name passed as the first parameter is case sensitive. Passing Icon.sys not work if the name is icon.sys.


theResult := ReplaceFileInSave(nameOfFile, locationAndNameOfAnotherFile);


Overview Adds data in memory as a file to the internal .max file listing.

Declaration function AddDataAsFile(buffer :PChar; bufferSize : integer; name : PChar): integer; stdCall;

Returns a 32 bit integer.

Successful result is 0. If the DLL is uninitialized the result will be $F9 (constant NOT_INITIALISED). If the filename passed already exists the result will be $F7 (constant FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS).

Usage The DLL must be initiated before use.

The first parameter is the data to be added, this is a pointer to an array of data (PCHAR). The second parameter is the size of the data. The third parameter is the name the data should be stored as.


         buffer : PChar;
         theResult : integer;

         getmem(buffer, 32);
         fillchar(buffer, 32, $01);
         theResult := AddDataAsFile(buffer, 32, PChar('a file.bin');


Overview Gets the file name and size of a file stored in memory

Declaration function FileDetails(itemNum: integer; name: PChar; nameLength: integer; var fileSize: integer): integer; stdCall;

Returns a 32 bit integer.

Successful result is 0. If the DLL is uninitialized the result will be $F9 (constant NOT_INITIALISED). Passing a number greater than the amount of files will result in $F6 (constant NO_ITEM_NUM)

Usage The DLL must be initiated before use.

The itemNum parameter is the number of the file in the listing. To find out how many files there are in memory use NumberOfFiles. The number passed has a direct relationship to the file listing, to get the details of the first file in the list pass 1 as the parameter. The second parameter name should be a PCHAR (pointer to an array of char) or 32 bytes with memory already allocated. The third parameter nameLength is the size of the name parameter. The fourth parameter fileSize is a integer for storing the file size of the file. This should be passed by var in Delphi, by Ref in C.

If for any reason the fileSize parameter is returning false results (a size of 0 etc) then use GetFileSize to get a files size.


         buffer : PChar;
         `theResult, fileSize : integer;

         getmem(buffer, 32);
         theResult := FileDetails(1, buffer, 32, fileSize);
         //buffer now contains the file name of the 1st file.


Overview Copys a file from memory into a supplied buffer.

Declaration function CopyFileToBuffer(itemNum : integer; buffer : PChar; bufferSize : integer): integer; stdCall;

Returns a 32 bit integer.

Successful result is 0. If the DLL is uninitialized the result will be $F9 (constant NOT_INITIALISED). If for some reason this fails the result will be $F5 (constant EXTRACT_FAILED).

Usage The DLL must be initiated before use.

The itemNum parameter is the number of the file in the listing. To find out how many files there in memory use NumberOfFiles. The buffer parameter is a buffer to contain the file data, this should already have a suitable amount of memory allocated. The bufferSize parameter is the size of the buffer passed.

To find out a files size use FileDetails or GetFileSize.


         buffer : PChar;
         theResult, fileSize : integer;

         fileSize := GetFileSize(1);
         getmem(buffer, fileSize);
         theResult := CopyFileToBuffer(1, buffer, fileSize);
         //buffer now contains the data of the 1st file.


Overview Extracts a file to a location supplied.

Declaration function ExtractAFile(itemNum : integer; location : PChar): integer; stdCall;

Returns a 32 bit integer.

Successful result is 0. If the DLL is uninitialized the result will be $F9 (constant NOT_INITIALISED). If for some reason this fails the result will be $F5 (constant EXTRACT_FAILED).

Usage The DLL must be initiated before use.

The itemNum parameter is the number of the file in the listing. To find out how many files there are in memory use NumberOfFiles. The number passed has a direct relationship to the file listing, to get the details of the first file in the list pass 1 as the parameter. The location parameter is the location to save the file and must included a trailing backslash.

The file will be extracted with it's current file name to the location supplied.

Note: PS2 file names can use characters not supported by Windows. It is advisable to use ExtractAFileAs and specify 'Windows Safe' filenames.


theResult := ExtractAFile(1, locationToSaveTo);


Overview Extracts a file using the location and file name supplied.

Declaration function ExtractAFileAs(itemNum : integer; fileName : PChar): integer; stdCall;

Returns a 32 bit integer.

Successful result is 0. If the DLL is uninitialized the result will be $F9 (constant NOT_INITIALISED). If for some reason this fails the result will be $F5 (constant EXTRACT_FAILED).

Usage The DLL must be initiated before use.

The itemNum parameter is the number of the file in the listing. To find out how many files there are in memory use NumberOfFiles. The number passed has a direct relationship to the file listing, to get the details of the first file in the list pass 1 as the parameter. The fileName parameter is the location and file name to save the file as.


theResult := ExtractAFile(1, locationAndFileName);


Overview Returns the size of a file in memory

Declaration function GetFileSize(itemNum : integer): integer; stdCall;

Returns a 32 bit integer.

A successful result is the size of a file, files can be 0 size. If the DLL is uninitialized the result will be $F9 (constant NOT_INITIALISED)

Usage The DLL must be initiated before use.

The itemNum parameter is the number of the file in the listing. To find out how many files there are in memory use NumberOfFiles. The number passed has a direct relationship to the file listing, to get the details of the first file in the list pass 1 as the parameter.


fileSize := GetFileSize(1);


Overview A helper function for handling the browser text in the icon.sys file. Takes a letter/character of text (CHAR) and returns a word/shortInt value to use directly in the file

Declaration function AsciiToSJis(input : char): shortInt; stdCall;

Returns a word/ShortInt value

If the DLL is uninitialized the result will be $F9 (constant NOT_INITIALISED)

Usage The DLL must be initiated before use.

Pass a letter or char (CHAR), the result is the SJIS equivalent ready for immediate use in the icon.sys file (no byteswap needed). The PS2 file system does not support the following characters: '*'(0x2a), '/'(0x2f), and '?'(0x3f), these are returned as a space. Any unsupported or unknown character is returned as a space.


theResult := AsciiToSJis('A');


Overview A helper function for handling the browser text in the icon.sys file. Takes the 2 bytes used per character in the icon.sys file and returns the English equivalent.

Declaration function SJisToAscii(input : shortInt): char; stdCall;

Returns a Char value

If the DLL is uninitialized the result will be $F9 (constant NOT_INITIALISED)

Usage The DLL must be initiated before use.

Pass the 2 bytes used in per letter in the icon.sys file to get the English version. This function can compensate for incorrect space characters generated by PS2 Save Builder and mcIconSysGen and translates them to a space.

Unknown entries are returned as '?'. This is a non-supported character and if written back to the file will be translated into a space.


          a : integer;
          buffer : string;

          buffer := '';
          for a := 0 to 33 do begin
             buffer := buffer + SJisToAscii(iconFile.titleName[a]);