Managing Git Commits - PLUDevs/amethystforest GitHub Wiki

Git Size Limit

Game files are very large so make sure to split up your commits into manageable sizes or else git won't push your changes up.

When making a new branch make sure to get in the habit of this:

`git fetch`


`git fetch upstream`

Once you fetch upstream then execute

`git pull`


`git merge upstream/develop`

This might prompt a window in vim (default editor) that will list the details of the merge just press


and then


What you're doing is pressing esc to activate normal mode in vim. Once in normal mode you type :wq which is a vim command to write and quit vim. After the command is executed it will bring you back to your bash command line and automatically merge your files.

If you wish to decline the changes in vim just type:


This vim command will quit vim without writing (saving) the file. It will return you to the bash command line.