Git Branching - PLUDevs/amethystforest GitHub Wiki

New feature

First upstream by typing the git command in your terminal/console/shell:

  `git remote add upstream [email protected]:PLUDevs/amethystforest`

New features/tasks should be done in new branches based on upstream/develop.

Create a new branch based on upstream/develop shortcut:

git fetch upstream

git checkout -b feature/feature-name-here upstream/develop

Feature is complete

Push branch to your fork on github:

git push origin feature/feature-name-here
# then create a pull request in github for this feature to upstream/develop

If the pull request is merge-able without conflicts (green) and tests have passed (if applicable), then we will merge the pull request.

If the pull request has conflicts (grey), then you must merge upstream/develop to resolve them

git fetch upstream
git merge --no-ff upstream/develop
# fix conflicts and then commit
# then push
git push origin feature/feature-name-here

This should automatically update the exiting pull request on github. It should show green (auto merge-able). We will then merge the pull request.

Critical Bug fix

Create a new branch based on the production/live version that the bug was observed

git fetch upstream
git checkout -b hotfix/this-is-a-bug 1.2.3

It also helps to have the ticket ID in the branch name

git checkout -b hotfix/<ticket_id>-this-is-a-bug 1.2.3

View list of all versions

git tag
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️