Cog: University - PKlempe/SAM GitHub Wiki

A cog containing commands regarding information and services aimed at students at the University of Vienna.


Hint: Arguments between angled brackets <> are required while the ones between squared brackets [] are only optional.

Usage Example Description
ufind staff <name> !ufind staff Max Mustermann Shows various information about university staff like contact information, teaching history, etc. The data is being acquired from the service u:find.

Temporary Commands

Commands included in this list are only available during specific times of the semester.

Hint: Arguments between angled brackets <> are required while the ones between squared brackets [] are only optional.

Usage Example Description
exchange <course_channel> <offered_group> <requested_group>, ... !exchange mod🔹modellierung 4 1,2,3 Creates an exchange offer for the specified course and posts a message in the configured group exchange channel of the server. If there are possible exchange partners, all affected users will be notified via DM.
exchange remove <course_channel> !exchange remove mod🔹modellierung Removes an existing exchange offer for the specified course.
exchange list !exchange list Shows all active exchange offers of the user who invoked the command.
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️