Cog: Moderation - PKlempe/SAM GitHub Wiki

A cog containing commands regarding the moderation of the server. Most of them can only be used by the moderators except for some exceptions specified below.

User Commands

Hint: Arguments between angled brackets <> are required while the ones between squared brackets [] are only optional.

Usage Example Description
report <user> <description> !report Wumpus#1234 He broke a rule! Reports a user to the moderators by using their ID, name + discriminator, name, nickname or by simply mentioning them. All variants except for the last one won't ping the offender.
modmail <message> !modmail Hey Mods! I wanted to ask you ... Sends a modmail message to the moderators of the server.

Moderator Commands

Hint: Arguments between angled brackets <> are required while the ones between squared brackets [] are only optional.

Usage Example Description
lockdown [channel] !lockdown #offtopic Puts the current or specified channel in lockdown by removing the "write_messages" or "connect" permission from the default role.
lockdown lift [channel] !lockdown lift #offtopic Lifts the lockdown for the current or specified channel by granting the "write_messages" or "connect" permission to the default role.
lockdown server !lockdown server Puts the whole server in lockdown by removing the "write_messages" and "connect" permission from the default role server-wide.
lockdown server lift !lockdown server lift Lifts the lockdown for the whole server by granting the "write_messages" and "connect" permission to the default role server-wide.
warn <user> [reason] !warn @Wumpus Wait, that's illegal. Warns the specified member. If enough warnings have been received, the bot will award configured punishments automatically.
warnings <user> !warnings @Wumpus Shows a list of all the warnings the specified user has received until now.
warning remove <warning_id> [reason] !warning remove 3 Oops. Wrong user. Removes the warning with the specified id from a member.
warning clear <user> !warning clear @Wumpus Removes all warnings given to the specified member.
mute <user> [reason] !mute @Wumpus He writes silly stuff. Mutes the specified member server-wide. He/She won't be able to write messages, join voice channels or even add reactions. This is done by granting the configured mute role.
umute <user> [reason] !unmute @Wumpus That's long enough. Unmutes the specified member on the server. This is done by removing the configured mute role from him.
tempmute <user> <duration> [reason] !tempmute @Wumpus 5d He annoys other people. Same effect as the "mute" command but only temporarily for the specified duration.
kick <user> [reason] !kick @Wumpus No bots allowed. Kicks the specified member from the server.
ban <user> [reason] !ban @Wumpus Breaks the rules too often. Bans the specified member from the server.
tempban <user> [reason] !tempban @Wumpus Think about what you did. Temporarily bans the specified member from the server for the duration given.
namehistory <user> !namehistory @Wumpus Shows a list of all the nicknames which the specified member has used on the server.
newmembers [amount] !newmembers 5 Shows the last X users who have joined the server.
avatar <user> !avatar @Wumpus Shows the avatar of the specified user.
userinfo <user> !userinfo @Wumpus Shows various information about the specified member.
purge [channel] <amount> !purge #offtopic 15 Deletes the last X messages in the current or specified channel.
modmail get <status> !modmail get open Shows a list consisting of all the received modmail messages with the specified status.
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