Cog: Feedback - PKlempe/SAM GitHub Wiki

A cog containing commands for giving feedback regarding everything on the server.

User Commands

Hint: Arguments between angled brackets <> are required while the ones between squared brackets [] are only optional.

Usage Example Description
suggest <suggestion> !suggest More custom emojis! Posts a suggestion in the configured suggestion channel. Users can then vote on it by adding reactions.

Server Owner Commands

Hint: Arguments between angled brackets <> are required while the ones between squared brackets [] are only optional.

Usage Example Description
suggestion approve <suggestion_id> [reason] !suggestion approve 32 Great idea! Mark a suggestion as approved with the specified reason.
suggestion deny <suggestion_id> [reason] !suggestion deny 35 Bad idea! Mark a suggestion as denied with the specified reason.
suggestion consider <suggestion_id> [reason] !suggestion consider 28 Maybe... Mark a suggestion as considered with the specified reason.
suggestion implemented <suggestion_id> [reason] !suggestion implemented 12 It's now implemented. Mark a suggestion as implemented with the specified reason.