Cog: Community - PKlempe/SAM GitHub Wiki

A cog containing commands regarding features for our community which can help them socialize.


Hint: Arguments between angled brackets <> are required while the ones between squared brackets [] are only optional.

Usage Example Description
gameroom [name] [user_limit] !gameroom Overwatch 6 Creates a temporary game room on the server which consists of a voice and text channel. If no members are left in the voice channel, it, as well as the corresponding text channel, will be automatically deleted. The creator of the room has some special permissions inside said voice and text channel.
studyroom [name] [user_limit] !studyroom "THI Exam" 10 Creates a temporary studyroom on the server which consists of a voice and text channel. If no members are left in the voice channel, it, as well as the corresponding text channel, will be automatically deleted. The creator of the room has some special permissions inside said voice and text channel.