light_limited - PIK-LPJmL/LPJmL GitHub Wiki
Adopted after the dissertation of Stephen Sitch
Components are
- αc3 and αc4 are intrinsic quantum efficiencies for CO2 uptake for C3 and C4 plants, respectively (in source:trunk/par/param.par)
- cmass=12 molar mass of carbon,
- cq conversion factor for solar radiation at 550 μm from J/m2 to E/m2,
- pi is the internal partial pressure of CO2 given as Pi = λ · pa, pa is ambient partial pressure,
- λ describes the ratio of the intercellular to ambient CO2 concentration
- Tstress is the PFT-specific temperature inhibition function, limiting photosynthesis at low and high temperatures,
- Γ* is the carbon dioxide compensation point.
- The factor λ/λmc4 reproduces the effect of reduced pi on C4 photosynthesis, λmc4 is the non-water-stressed value of λ in C4 plants.
Temperature stress Tstress is formulated with PFT-specific
parameters T1 to T4: $ and calculated in
source:trunk/src/lpj/temp_stress.c. This PFT-sepcific temperature inhibition of photosynthesis is not
part of the original description by Haxeltine and
Prentice 1996,
but was introduced by Sitch et
al. 2003
Carbon compensation point is determined with the partial pressure of oxygen pO2 and τ: Γ = (pO2)/(τ)
τ in the code is calculated in [photosynthesis.c[( as
and reflects the ability of Rubisco to discriminate between CO2 and O2.