git userguide - PIK-LPJmL/LPJmL GitHub Wiki

What is GIT

  • By far, the most widely used modern version control system in the world today
  • Git has the functionality, performance, security and flexibility that most teams and individual developers need.


GIT and Visusal Studio (external link)

getting the code from GIT

  • git clone [email protected]/PIK-LPJmL/LPJmL.git (Download the newest LPJmL Version and sets up git)
  • optional: create a new side branch in which you wanna work, you can also work directly in the master but using a side branch is recommended
  • You can now either start working with the list of modified files or you add and commit the changes locally. Then you have a clean slate and can start working
For LPJmL Updates in the master branch (when you are working on a side branch):
  • git stash (save your untracked changes and stash them away)
  • git checkout master (go to the master branch)
  • git pull (get update)
  • git checkout yourbranch (go back to your branch)
  • git stash apply (get your untracked files back)
  • git merge master (merge your branch with the master branch)
  • take care of marge conflicts and add/commit the final versions

Useful Basic Commands

  • git status (shows on what branch you are, staged files and untracked files)
  • git diff (shows changes in the files compared to the last commit)
  • git clone [email protected]/PIK-LPJmL/LPJmL.git (Download the newest LPJmL Version and sets up git)
  • git checkout branch (change to the desired branch, maybe you have to stash your untracked files)

How to pull a new LPJmL Version

  • git status
If you have no modified files:
  • git pull (svn up)
If you have modified files:
  • git stash (stash your modified files away)
  • git pull
  • git stash apply (get your modified files back)

As a developer: How to commit and push your side branch

  • check if you have the newest version (git pull)
  • git checkout -b newbranchname (create new side branch)
  • git add file (stage the files, you want to commit)
  • git commit -m “commitmessage” (locally commit your changes)
  • git push origin newbranchname (push to repository)
  • merge request in
  • git checkout master

Advanced Commands and Concepts

Pushing only a few files of your working branch to master

In case you worked for a long time on your side branch (your_sidebranch), did regular commits and now you want to push a few files to the master branch to implement your new feature/bugfix.

  • git add/commit all your changes to have a clean slate (or git stash)
  • git checkout master go back to master, which should be a copy of the repository and have not untracked files
  • git checkout -b "newbranch_for_commit" (create a new branch, which is a copy of the master, and goes to this branch)
  • git checkout your_sidebranch file1 file2 file3 ... (copy the files from your working side branch to the newbranch_for_commit)
  • git add/commit the modified files
  • git push origin newbranch_for_commit
  • Do a merge request in github
  • git checkout your_sidebranch (go back to your working branch and continue to improve LPJmL

Other commands

  • git diff master -- myfolder (to compare the changes of a directory in your side branch with the same directory on master, for example all sourcecodes with myfolder = src/)
  • git diff --name-status master (to show the different files you have compared to the master branch)