Template - PIK-LPJmL/LPJmL GitHub Wiki

Title (e.g. “Irrigation”, “Photosynthesis”,…)

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# Title 
## Description
## Details
## Technical Note
## Developer(s)
## See Also
## References


short description (what is it about? what is it for?) 1-2 sentences

corresponding LPJmL routines (can be included with !{{include(PAGE)}} 
or linked with [page2link](/PIK-LPJmL/LPJmL/wiki/page2link)


a more detailed description of it (data sources, data preparation, meaning, usage...).
Refer to references if you have any using footnotes[1]

Technical Note

Technical details, e.g. usage or configuration, technical limitations,... 
Things relevant for dealing with the topic directly in LPJmL (e.g. for 
[photosynthesis](/PIK-LPJmL/LPJmL/wiki/photosynthesis) refer to the Farquhar model and it's implementation and 
link to the description of [petpar](/PIK-LPJmL/LPJmL/wiki/petpar) ...)


A list of developers which were mainly involved in the implementation of the 
corresponding topic

See Also

structure, photosynthesis, Wiki, [[magpie:tutorials]]

Links to other Wiki pages, that are related. It doesn't matter if the wiki page 
already exists or not. 
Also link pages that do not exist yet! Links to existing pages are blue,  links to 
non-existing pages are marked in red.
