Q&A - PHLF/TA3D GitHub Wiki

Q: What is TA?

A: TA is an abbreviation for Total Annihilation, which is a real time stragety game that was created by Cavedog Inc. nearly 20 years ago.

Q: What is the min/recommended specs?

A: At the very minimum you want a 700mhz cpu, with 256mb of ram, and a graphics card that supports OpenGL drivers with at least 32mb of ram. We recommend a 1 gHz cpu, with 512 Mb of ram, and a graphics card with 128mb of ram and shaders v.2.0 support. As is always the case the better the system, the better the game will look, and play. We are always tweaking the engine so frame rates may increase or decrease during various versions.

Q: Can I install TA3D into my TA directory?

A: No, better not to do it. Just install ta3d in separate folder and run install.bat for Windows and install-sh for Linux version with TA Cd-rom in your Cd-drive

Q: This game sucks! Can you make it better?

A: Yes, but we need your feedback to make it better. Feel free to discuss TA3D in our forums! We`ll make it better!

Q: How to add my music in TA3D?

A: It`s simple. Copy your *.mp3 *.ogg *.wma *.mod file in /ta3d/music/ folder and start TA3D, it'll create a playlist.txt file that should look like this:

- battle themes (will play when the real battle goes)

you can select the file you want to play and when from the config menu.

Q: Can I add new units in TA3D?

A: Of course you can! Simply copy *.ufo or *.hpi file with units into ta3d/ folder and they should appear in game build menu, or can be spawned using console commands.

Q: I`ve got an error!! What should I do?

A: You should tell us about the found bug and send ta3d.log (in /ta3d/ dir on Windows, or $HOME/.ta3d on Linux) to any e-mail on our site.

Q: This F.A.Q. sucks! Where can I find answer on my question?

A: Post your question in our forums or send by e-mail, we`ll answer you as soon as we can, and add your question in this Q&A., so others can find here what they want.