Mods - PHLF/TA3D GitHub Wiki

There are plenty of nice mods for TA, that could be played with TA3D.

To play a mod you`ll need to do next steps:

  • copy all mod resources (*.gp3, *.ufo, *.ccx and other mod resource files) in ta3d/mods/name_of_mod/ folder.
  • run TA3D and select mod in Options.
  • restart TA3D and play. There are several mods that need a ta3d.mod file in order to run properly. With default installation there are already ta3d.mod files for several TA mods.

For example ta3d.mod for TA:Excess listed below:

unit_ext = .fbi;
unit_dir = unitGoK;
weapon_dir = weapGoK;
download_dir = downloadGoK;

Same files can be created manually or you can ask for one for your mod on our forum.

There are can be any number of mods at the same time in /mods/ directory, but only one active at a time.