Console commands - PHLF/TA3D GitHub Wiki

Press ")" under linux and "`" or "²" under windows to show/hide console while playing.

n is an integer, f a floating point number

Interface adjustment commands

  • fps_on/fps_off : show/hide the fps
  • freecam : toggle free camera mode
  • enable right_click_interface: enables right_click mouse interface
  • enable left_click_interface: enables left_click mouse interface

Gameplay adjustment commands

  • zshoot : make a shot of the zbuffer
  • video shoot : activate/deactivate video recording
  • reload shaders : reload the vertex & fragment programs used for water and details texture
  • show mission info : prints current mission and mission flags of the selected unit
  • view debug : draw on minimap the area that's computed by the renderer
  • ia debug : show debug info about AI
  • internal name : display the short name of the selected unit
  • internal idx : display the index of the selected unit
  • exit : leave the game
  • wireframe : toggle wireframe mode
  • priority n : set main thread priority to 0 (low - normal), 1 (medium) or 2 (high - might slow down the rest of the engine)
  • water quality n : form 0 to 5 (0 - low, 1 - normal, 2 - high, 3 - higher, 4 - extreme, 5 - ultimate)
  • shadow quality n : quality of shadows (if you want them smooth)
  • shadow ray n : smoothness of shadows
  • shadow : toggle shadows
  • details : toggle details texture
  • particle : toggle particles
  • waves : toggle waves on coasts
  • show script : display scripting info about selected unit
  • show model : display 3D model info about selected unit
  • rotate light : make the sun light rotate
  • shake : make the screen shake like when a big weapons detonates
  • fps_limit : limit the frame rate (<= 0 means no limit)
  • timefactor s : set game speed
  • addhp h : add h hit points to selected units (can be negative)
  • activate/deactivate : activate or deactivate selected units
  • reset_script : reset selected units's script environment
  • unitinfo : print info about selected units to the console
  • kill : kill selected units
  • script n : start script n on selected units
  • pause : toggle pause/resume game


  • give metal/energy/both player_id amount : give amount of resources to player_id
  • metal : toggle infinite metal cheat
  • energy : toggle infinite energy cheat
  • spawn UNIT player_id nb : spawns nb units of type UNIT for player_id, if UNIT isn't a correct unit type it spawns units of random type