Compilation - PHLF/TA3D GitHub Wiki



1 - CMake

You need CMake 2.6 in order to build TA3D. You can install it from the backports repository (only 2.4 is in main). Enable hardy-backports, then use your favorite package manager to install cmake 2.6

2 - GCC and required libraries

You need GCC with C++ support (g++) to build TA3D, just install g++ like any other software using your package manager. Then you'll need to install the headers of some libs :

  • librandr-dev
  • libsdl1.2-dev
  • libsdl-image1.2-dev
  • libsdl-net1.2dev
  • libsdl-ttf2.0-dev

3 - FMOD

FMOD is a sound/music library, there is no package for it so you'll have to download and install it manually. You'll find it here:

We recommend you use the latest stable version (>= 4.16.x at the time of writing those instructions)

4 - TA3D

Now you can build ta3d:

cmake ./


Current instructions are for Mandriva 2008.1, it should also work with previous versions of Mandriva.

1 - CMake

You need CMake 2.6 in order to build TA3D. It's not present in repositories, so you'll have to build it yourself unless you want to try a RPM from a different distribution. go to and download cmake-2.6.*.tar.gz, then extract it, follow cmake build instructions and install it.

2 - GCC and required libraries

You need GCC with C++ support (g++) to build TA3D, just install gcc-c++ like any other software using your package manager. Then you'll need to install the headers of zlib and allegro : zlib1-devel, allegro4.2-devel (will install Allegro 4.2 if not done)

Now you're done with the packages. Let's install AllegroGL, you can download it from:

extract AllegroGL's archive and run :

./ unix
sudo make install

AllegroGL should now be installed.

NB: TA3D requires Allegro >= 4.2.2, if you use an older version of Mandriva you may have to build it yourself.

3 - FMOD

FMOD is a sound/music library, there is no package for it so you'll have to download and install it manually. You'll find it here:

We recommend you use the latest stable version (>= 4.16.x at the time of writing those instructions)

4 - TA3D

Now you can build ta3d:

cmake ./

PS: If you get an error message with something like ...... edit the /usr/local/include/allegrogl/GLext/gl_ext_api.h file, and find the line:

AGL_API(void, EndTransformFeedbackNV, (GLvoid))

replace GLvoid with void now it should build :)

NB: if you're using a NVidia card, you will probably run into crashes when the game starts. To fix that, install the -devel package of the nvidia driver, then run ldconfig as root. This is due to TA3D loading both NVidia's and mesa libraries ...


1 - CMake

You need CMake 2.6 in order to build TA3D. Just emerge it as any other software.

2 - GCC and required libraries

You need GCC with C++ support (g++) to build TA3D, on Gentoo you should have it :D Then you'll need to install zlib, allegro ( >= 4.2.2 ) and AllegroGL (>= 0.4.3 recommended)

3 - FMOD

FMOD is a sound/music library, you can emerge it but won't probably be the last version, we recommend you install it manually. You'll find it here:

We recommend you use the latest stable version (>= 4.16.x at the time of writing those instructions)

4 - TA3D

Now you can build ta3d:

cmake ./

PS: If you get an error message with something like ...... edit the /usr/local/include/allegrogl/GLext/gl_ext_api.h file, and find the line:

AGL_API(void, EndTransformFeedbackNV, (GLvoid))

replace GLvoid with void now it should build :)


1 - TortoiseSVN

Install TortoiseSVN via their WebSite :

2 - CMake

Install CMake for Windows via their web site

3 - TA3D (via MinGW)

Install MinGW, available on their web site : or directly on SourceForge : You can use the Automated MinGW Installer Needed options: MinGW base tools, G++ compiler, MinGW make

Make sure g++, make, and cmake can ba invoked via the command line. Otherwise check your env paths.

There is still a workaround on Windows for the libraries HawkNL and Lua. They are not compiled by CMake (ticket

Compile HawkNL :

cd trunk/src/hawknl/src
mingw32-make -f makefile.mingw

Compile Lua :

cd trunk/src/lua
mingw32-make mingw

Compile 3dmeditor and ta3d :

cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" .

Notice: With MinGW Gcc >3.4.5, Allegro produces a lot of warnings



The developper tools must be installed (available on all Mac OS X install CD/DVD).

A - Using MacPort (

1 - MacPort

  1. If MacPort is not installed on your system, download and install MacPort :
    MacPort provides command line utilities. A GUI Front-End nammed 'Porticus' is available :
  2. If MacPort is already installed on your system, make sure the port files are up-to-date :
$ sudo port selfupdate
$ sudo port upgrade outdated

2 - CMake

Install CMake via MacPort

$ sudo port install cmake

3 - Subversion (optional)

Install Subversion via MacPort. OS X is shipped with Subversion binaries. However, you may want the latest available version of subversion. In this case you can install install it via MacPort :

$ sudo port install subversion

4 - FreeType / FTGL

Install FreeType/FTGL via MacPort

$ sudo port install freetype ftgl

5 - SDL

Install the SDL framework via MacPort

$ sudo port install  libsdl libsdl-framework libsdl_gfx libsdl_gfx-framework libsdl_image libsdl_image-framework libsdl_mixer libsdl_mixer-framework libsdl_net libsdl_net-framework libsdl_pango libsdl_sound libsdl_sound-framework libsdl_ttf libsdl_ttf-framework glew

6 - LUA

Install LUA via MacPort

$ sudo port install lua

7 - TA3D, Getting the source

Get the source, in the folder of your choice.

$ cd <somewhere>
$ svn co TA3D
$ cd TA3D

8 - Configure

$ cmake .

9 - Make !

$ make

if you want more verbosity, try :

$ make VERBOSE=1

If you have a computer with more than one processor or a Multi-Core CPU you may want this :

$ make -j 2

(where 2 should be replaced by the number of Core/CPU)

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️