Privacy Policy - PHI-base/PHI5_web_display GitHub Wiki

PHI-base privacy policy

This privacy policy explains how PHI-base uses the personal information we collect from you when you use our services.



Information we collect

Where we store your information

Your data protection rights

Contact details

How to make a complaint

Updates to this privacy policy


For the purposes of this policy:

  • 'We', 'us' and 'our' refers to PHI-base as an organization;
  • 'You' and 'your' refers to the subject of the personal information (in the case that you have provided the personal information, that subject is you).
  • 'Our services' refers to the PHI-base website and the PHI-Canto curation application.

Information we collect


What we collect

When you use PHI-Canto to curate a publication, we collect the following personal information from you:

  • your full name,
  • your email address, and
  • (optionally) your ORCID ID.

How and where the information is collected

You will be asked to enter this information by filling in a form on the PHI-Canto website before starting a curation session.

What we do with the information

Once your curation session is submitted to PHI-base, you will be listed as the curator of the publication, meaning your full name will be displayed on the PHI-base website in order to provide credit for your contributions to PHI-base. Your name will normally be displayed in the release notes for each data release to which you contributed, but may be shown elsewhere on the website, such as on the gene pages (where the annotations that you contributed will be shown).

If your curation is approved by the PHI-base team, your full name and ORCID ID (if provided) will be shown on the Zenodo website ( as part of the release notes for the PHI-base dataset that we publish to Zenodo. Again, this is done to credit you for your contributions. Your email address is never shared with Zenodo.

We may use your email address to contact you about your curation session. For example: we may contact you with a reminder about starting or resuming your curation session, or we may ask questions about the data you have entered in a curation session.

We may also contact you by email to ask you to contribute an article to the PHI-base website, or to ask you to help PHI-base by volunteering as a species expert.

When you begin a curation session, PHI-Canto will automatically send you an email containing guidance about the curation process and a link to your curation session.

If you agree to opt-in to the PHI-base mailing list when starting a curation session, we may email you with announcements related to PHI-base, such as new database releases, and upcoming training sessions, conferences, or events.

Why we need the information

We need this personal information in order to:

  • Provide proper credit to the curator for their contributions, to prevent others from falsely claiming credit for a curation;
  • Check who to contact if we need to ask questions about any information entered in a curation session, or who to send a reminder to if a curation session has been idle for too long;
  • Indicate to the users of PHI-base that the data is being curated by real people;
  • Check if a publication has been curated by one of its named authors, or by someone else.

Who the information is shared with

Once your curation session has been submitted to PHI-base, your full name will be visible on the PHI-base website, so your full name may be shared with anyone who visits the website.

Once the PHI-base dataset containing your contributions is uploaded to Zenodo, your full name and ORCID ID will be shown on the Zenodo website (on the page containing the data record for PHI-base) and will be visible to anyone who views or downloads the dataset. Your name is not included in the raw data that we allow users to download.

We do not share your email address with other organizations or people outside of PHI-base. We store email addresses only for internal use by PHI-base and PHI-Canto. Your email address is not included in the PHI-base dataset that we allow users to download.

We may include an anonymous categorical identifier about the curator when sharing data from PHI-base with other organizations. This identifier is specifically used to indicate the role the curator has in relation to the publication: for example, if the curator is a publicly listed author of the paper, a third-party curator, or a member of the PHI-base team.

How long we keep your information

We will store your personal information (full name, email address, and ORCID ID) for as long as you consent to be linked with a publication. Note that you first provide your consent when starting a curation session in PHI-Canto.

If you no longer want to be involved with the curation of a publication, you can contact us to tell us that you no longer consent, and we will stop storing your personal information (see the section on Your data protection rights for more details). If you have already submitted your curation session, the publication you curated will remain on PHI-base, but your name will be replaced with an anonymous identifier, such as 'community curator'.


When you download a copy of the PHI-base database from the PHI-base website, we collect the following personal information from you:

  • your name,
  • the name and sector of the organization where you work, and
  • your organizational email address.

How and where the information is collected

You will be asked to enter this information by filling in a form on the PHI-base website before downloading a copy of the PHI-base database.

What we do with the information

We use your personal information to generate an anonymized count of the number of unique users who have downloaded the PHI-base database. We also use your personal information to group this anonymized data by the organization that the users belonged to. This allows us to see, for example, how often PHI-base is being used by research organizations, compared to commercial organizations.

Why we need the information

We need your personal information to ensure that we can accurately count unique downloads of the PHI-base database, so we do not classify repeated downloads by the same person as downloads by a new person.

We need to count and categorize the downloads of PHI-base so that we can demonstrate to our funders and other interested groups that PHI-base is useful to the scientific community.

Who the information is shared with

We do not share your personal information with other organizations or people outside of PHI-base. In order to prove that PHI-base is useful to the scientific community, we may be required to share anonymous aggregated data with our funders, such as: the total number of visitors to the PHI-base website, the number of downloads of PHI-base, and the countries that are using PHI-base.

How long we keep your information

We will store your personal information for a maximum of three years, or until the end of the grant cycle for the PHI-base project (whichever occurs first).


Cookies are small pieces of data that are sent from a website and stored in your web browser. Cookies are used for multiple purposes, such as keeping you logged in to a website, recording which pages you visited, and recording information that you entered into forms.

The cookies used by PHI-Canto and the PHI-base website are described below:

PHI-Canto cookies

Cookie name Description
PHI-Canto__session Contains an anonymous identifier that is used to keep admin users logged in.

PHI-base cookies

Cookie name Description
JSESSIONID Contains an anonymous identifier that is used to keep track of the user's session.

Google Analytics cookies

Note that both PHI-base and PHI-Canto use Google Analytics (described below), which also sets cookies. These cookies are described on the Google Analytics website, at Google Analytics Cookie Usage on Websites.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to record information about visitors to the PHI-base website, such as the user's IP address and the pages the user visited. Google Analytics uses cookies to record this information. We need this information to understand how the PHI-base website is used, and to understand which geographical regions are using PHI-base. We do not use Google Analytics to collect personally identifiable information.

Our usage of Google Analytics follows the Terms of Service for Google Analytics. Google Analytics sends information to Google, and the use of this information is described by Google's Privacy and Terms.

Where we store your information

Rothamsted Research

Personal data collected by PHI-base and PHI-Canto is stored at Rothamsted Research, in Harpenden, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom.


PHI-base datasets that are uploaded to Zenodo are stored in data centres at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) in Geneva, Switzerland.

CERN is exempt from European data protection legislation due to its status as a Intergovernmental Organization (IGO). Instead, its processing of personal data is governed by Operational Circular 11 (OC11). Note that your data protection rights still apply to the data after it is transferred.

Your data protection rights

Every user of PHI-base has the data protection rights described below. If you wish to make a request related to your rights, you can contact us at [email protected], or by any of the other contact details described below. Once we receive your request, we will respond to you within 30 days.

Right of access

You have the right to ask us for a copy of your personal information that we have stored. You also have the right to ask us whether or not your personal information is being used by us, and who your personal information has been shared with.

Right to rectification

You have the right to ask us to correct any personal information about you that is not accurate, or outdated. For example, if you change your name, you have the right to ask that we update the copy of your name that we have stored.

Right to be forgotten

You have the right to ask us to erase your personal information if you decide you no longer agree with the reasons we collected your personal information (our reasons are described in this policy).

Right to restriction of processing

You have the right to ask us to stop using your personal information if you think that the personal information we have stored is not accurate, or if you think that we are using your personal information unlawfully, or in a way that violates your rights.

Right to data portability

You have the right to ask us to send you a machine-readable version of your personal data that we have stored. You also have the right to ask us to transfer your personal data to another organization or person (where possible).

Contact details

Postal address:
Rothamsted Research
West Common

Email address: [email protected]

Web address:

How to make a complaint

If you want to make a complaint about how PHI-base is handling your personal data, you can send a complaint to us at [email protected].

If you think that PHI-base has not handled your complaint correctly, you can send a complaint to your national data protection authority.

The national data protection authority for the United Kingdom is the Information Commissioner's Office.

For nations in the European Union, the data protection authorities are listed on the European Data Protection Board website.

Updates to this privacy policy

PHI-base may change this privacy policy from time to time. Any changes to this privacy policy will be placed on this web page.

This privacy policy was last updated on 13 June 2024.