User created content - PG85/OpenTerrainGenerator GitHub Wiki

We'll try to keep this an up-to-date index of all resources posted in both the old and the new forums, as well as resources posted on other locations around the web. Most resources are free, but for a few you'll have to pay.

Some downloads have a mirror provided by, this is to counter the 404 errors. If you do not agree with this please notify @NLBlackEagle

Also take a look at the downloads for OpenTerrainGen.

Full World settings

Biome packs

Object packs


  • Rutger's Bo3Tools BO3s are objects used by TerrainControl. BO3Tools allows you to export your WorldEdit selection as a BO3 object. It can also convert a BO2 object to a BO3 object.
    Example: /exportbo3 name --includeair to export a worldedit selection and include the air of the selection.
  • Lantoaster's Bo3_BulkEdit BO3_BuldEdit is a Python tool to edit and tweak all and/or many BO3 files at once.
  • Ignirion's Bo3EntityTool This tool can export entities and works the same as Bo3Tools.
    Example: /exportbo3entities name --includeair to export an a worldedit selection + entities within and include the air of the selection.
