Build and Deploy - PERRINN/infrastructure GitHub Wiki

  1. Create an S3 Bucket to host the Cloud Formation files, config and binaries
  2. Check out the Infrastructure repo from GitHub
  3. Change into the directory for the component you want to install
  4. First you need to create an AMI. The "packer" directory contains a "" file. Update it to contain your VPC Identifier and then run the script. This will spin up an instance of the basic AWS machine, patch it, and add any prerequisite components before creating an AMI. As a sanity check, make sure that the file "new_ami" is created and that it's contents matches the ami reported by the Packer output.
  5. Change to the "cfn" directory.
  6. Run the "" script to launch the Cloud Formation job.
  7. Check the status either via "aws cloudformation describe-stacks | grep StackStatus" or the AWS Console.