Meeting Minutes M8 19.11.20 - PDevanney/Tacking-on-a-Graph GitHub Wiki

Supervisor Meeting 8 -- November 19, 2020

Patrick Devanney, Dr. Jessica Enright

Meeting Summary

Discuss what has been done this week
  1. Worked on Converting prior code

Throughout the week I spent time changing the Distance function from using a Dictionary to using Numpy Arrays. However, this proved to be challenging and made the code base confusing so we discussed the decision to convert this back with the possibility of implementing Numpy arrays further down the line.

  1. Created a Search Driver function that will call all the required functions and output whether the Target node has been found or not.

Discussed the completion of the Search Driver function that has now allowed the Optimal Movement function to be completed. This function can now be used that when Given a Graph, Target Node, and Tower will output the Longest paths for the user.

  1. Due to confusion regarding the MinMax a discussion was held to alleviate my concerns

Jess talked me through her thought process in regards to this approach to find the optimal tower positions. Where we discussed the different scenarios of Smart vs. Dumb towers. This process will iterate through every possible position of Tower and calculate the Longest path available when these towers are placed, this process will be repeated and output the best tower positions. Complete the work left outstanding from the last week - the search driver and implementation of the Optimal target movement script.

Plan of Work
  1. Conclude work for Optimal Movement Paths

Update current code base to perform minor fixes to the code base

  1. Begin/Complete Implementation of the Optimal Tower positioning.

Use the MinMax strategy to output the optimum tower positioning for a given Graph and Tower Count.