AMD+GPU+Compatibility - PDModdingCommunity/PD-Loader GitHub Wiki

PD Loader 2.5 and later versions have Novidia (AMD compatibility plugin) already installed so just make sure it's enabled.
For custom shaders, you need to generate a vcdiff file with this tool.

2D and 3D graphics are fully working (with some very minor compromises that you probably won't even notice) except for movies on Navi GPUs, which appear scrambled.
Performance suffers on some songs (especially those with 3+ characters on screen and on weaker GPUs), but is for the most part playable.

DivaImGui is no longer needed for the game to startup and render 2D graphics. It can be safely removed/disabled, or you can keep it to use other features like the FPS meter.



  1. Run diva.exe, go to Plugins and Patches, and make sure Novidia is enabled
  2. If you have DivaImGui installed, set disableGpuDetect = 1, amd = 0 and intel = 0 in graphics.ini
  3. Enjoy!

NOTE: It is not necessary to patch the shaders manually anymore, unless custom shaders are used.



  • Movies seem to be garbled/corrupted on Navi GPUs. There's no known fix at this time.
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