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1) FAQ


Only NVIDIA videocards are offcially supported by the game. AMD has beta-level support using the AMD Compatibility Pack and Intel GPUs cannot support the game's 3D graphics at this stage (DivaImGui can get 2D graphics working). On computers with multiple GPUs, such as most laptops, the game must be set to run on the NVIDIA GPU manually.

Linux can run the game with Wine, for audio you must use the DivaSound plugin. WMV movie videos are not supported and it is recommended to set No_Movies to 1 to prevent crashes when the game attempts to load a movie.

Windows 7 is supported except for WMV movie videos (see page 3 for workarounds).

Previous versions used dnsapi.dll in the game root folder, if you still have it you must delete it.

Always use the original game executable.

Special thanks to Brolijah, Skyth, korenkonder, Samyuu, somewhatlurker, SwigS-27, crash5band, ano, lybxlpsv and everyone else who helped at the Project DIVA Modding 2nd Community Discord, come join us if you want to help us to improve this project.

ManMan's "AFT FOR DUMMIES": https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_2qbofpxz9dB7VgfS5WA1uahwE-jmQny55WEyCYedCQ/

Developer FAQ

To enable logs and dumps create a folder called "logs" in the root folder, each dump size is 200MB so watch your disk space.

This is a stripdown of ThirteenAG's Ultimate ASI Loader v4.47 for "dnsapi.dll" usage only.

  • Solution for Visual Studio 2019.
  • Requires platform toolset v142.
  • Requires Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17763.0).
  • Requires Desktop development with C++.
  • Requires Windows Universal CRT SDK.
  • Requires Microsoft Research Detours Package (included in the solution).
  • Requires FreeGLUT 3.0.0 PD (included in the solution).

Launcher plugin

  • Requires .NET desktop development.
  • Requires .NET Framework 4.5 targeting pack.
  • Requires C++/CLI support for v142 build tools (14.21).


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