PDL Wiki Editors Page - PDLPorters/pdl GitHub Wiki

Thanks for your interest in helping maintain the wiki! I hope this page helps you figure out how to get plugged in and working.

Wiki Editing Guidelines

When starting new documents, please be very verbose and explicit with your titles so as to avoid naming collisions. Don't call a page "Example", call it "PDL 1-D data plotting with PGPLOT".

Gettting Editing Access to the PDL Wiki

Anybody can read the PDL wiki. However, to combat spam, Sourceforge (SF) has restricted editing access. If you would like to edit pages, follow these steps:

  1. Register for a SF account, if you don't already have one. There is a link at the top of this page.
  2. Log in to MediaWiki via the link above, using your SF username and password. Once you are logged in you will likely still not be able to edit pages because "You are not in one of the groups editor, admin."
  3. Verify that your SF username is in the User List.
  4. Email one of the admins on the PDL MediaWiki Admin list. At the moment the main point of contact is Derek Lamb. Those logged into their SF accounts can email him here. If you don't use that link, be sure to mention your SF user name in your email if it is not an obvious combination of your first and last name.
  5. The admin will add you to the MediaWiki editor group and will send a confirmation email.

Now you should be create and edit pages, and the PDL wiki stays spam-free!

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