Polar Dashboard Upgrade Tool Wiki - PDDStudio/polar-dashboard-upgrade-tool GitHub Wiki

Help & How-To

This Wiki should guide you through all the things you have to do to successfully upgrade your polar-dashboard based project. ##Getting Started To get PUT up and running you have to match the following requirements:

  • JRE 1.8

In case you want to build polar-dashboard-upgrade-tool yourself you'll need the following additional requirements:

  • JDK 1.8
  • Maven

##Executing the prepared binary

  • Fire up a Terminal (or Command Prompt)
  • Execute java -jar /path/to/polarupgradetool.jar

Obviously you have to replace this with the location where you've saved it on your drive

Note: You can also double click executable JARs to open them.

###Exploring the GUI / Usage Guide Please refer to the GUI Explanation Wiki-Page to get an overview of the GUI's look and feel.