PCORnet Reciprocal Data Sharing Agreement - PCORnet/DataCommittee GitHub Wiki

###Overview The PDC will launch a working group to develop a reciprocal data sharing agreement for PCORnet’s institutional partners to achieve PCORnet objectives, maximize sustainability by matching customer expectations, and advance comparative effectiveness research while respecting institutional constraints and allowing trust to develop over time.


  • Russ Waitman (lead)
  • Bowen Chung
  • Michael Kahn
  • Abel Kho
  • Keith Marsolo
  • Daniella Meeker
  • Heather Siefers


  • Initial PCORnet Institutional Data Sharing Agreement supporting non-commercial use that supports feasibility analyses, distributed analyses, and transmission of de-identified and limited datasets by June 2016 for current PCORnet institutions.
  • A method for institutions to transparently share their institutional data sharing profile/constraints with collaborators by August 2016.
  • Timing of later modifications to support external partners, commercial use, and data exchange in collaboration with the Health Plan Payor linkage contracts to be determined.


  • Institutions signing the agreement and specifying their data sharing profile allowing them to operate within their institutional boundaries
  • Data requests, approvals, and timeliness of fulfillment analogous to VI.C.

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