Docker Algorithms - PARC-projects/video-query-home GitHub Wiki

For the Algorithms pipeline, we use three Docker containers:

  • Container to compute deep neural net features for a video collection,

  • Load_DB Container to load the video data into the Agile Video Query database, and

  • Broker Container for running (for updating queries).

Before using the containers, make sure that the trained models and prototxt files being used by src/features_GPU_compute/ are in the src/features_GPU_compute/models folder.

1. Container to compute deep neural net features

  • Build the image for this container from the main video-query-algorithms/ folder:
    docker build -t avq_compute_dnn_features .

  • Start up a new container in interactive mode:

    docker run -it --name <name, optional> --runtime=nvidia -v <folder with video collections>:/video_data avq_compute_dnn_features

    where <folder with video collections> is the path of the folder containing your video collections. It should have subdirectories that contain the videos.

    <folder with video collections>

    File and subdirectory names cannot contain spaces. If necessary, execute find . -type f -name "* *.xml" -exec rename "s/\s/_/g" {} \; to remove spaces from names.

  • From within the container, follow the documentation at Compute Video Features for steps 1. and 2.

  • Exit the container.

  • For subsequent sessions restart the container using docker start -it <container name>

2. Load_DB container

  • Build the image for this container from the main video-query-algorithms/ folder:
    docker build --file Load_DB_Dockerfile -t avq_load_db .

  • Verify the user-defined docker network video-query-api_default exists:
    docker network ls

  • Start up a new container in interactive mode:

    docker run -it --rm --name avq_load_db -v <folder with video features>:/video_data --network video-query-api_default avq_load_db

    where <folder with video features> is the path of the folder containing the deep net features computed in step 1 above. It should have subdirectories for videos and separate subdirectories for each set of video features. (Video features computed by means other than step 1 can also be loaded using the Load_DB container.)

  • From within the container, execute

    cd /code/src
    export API_CLIENT_USERNAME=<api username>
    export API_CLIENT_PASSWORD=<api password>
  • Then follow the documentation at Compute Video Features for step
    3., using http://video-query-api:8001 for the api url.

  • Exit the container.

3. Broker container

  • In, set BASE_URL to http://video-query-api:8001

  • The broker does not use GPU computing (yet!), so it can be run from a server with only cpu resources.

  • Build the image for this container from the main video-query-algorithms/ folder:
    docker build --file Load_DB_Dockerfile -t avq_broker .

  • Start up a new container in interactive mode:

    docker run -it --name avq_broker --network video-query-api_default avq_broker
  • From within the container, execute

    cd /code/src
    export API_CLIENT_USERNAME=<api username>
    export API_CLIENT_PASSWORD=<api password>
    export BROKER_THREADING='True'
    export COMPUTE_EPS=.000003
    export RANDOM_SEED=None
  • Start the broker in background mode:

    nohup python &
  • Exit the container without stopping it: