Interesting CfP & conference management systems - PAPIsdotio/cfp-app GitHub Wiki
- Easychair - free, or £90 license for features such as customizing form fields or adding file upload field
- Critical feedback:
- There seems to be no way to ask for extended abstract
- Quite a few configuration options. But more complex than what we need. Harder to navigate (couldn’t find the customization options I was looking for…)
- Can’t have tracks as required dropdown menu, instead of optional checkboxes?
- This is weird, in the submission form: “The following part of the submission form was added by PAPIs18. It has neither been checked nor endorsed by EasyChair”
- The interface for someone wanting to submit isn’t great…
- Good:
- There’s a plugin to organize a call for volunteers, including reviewers, etc., and process these applications
- Ability to email PC members
- Critical feedback:
- Dryfta - $229 per month
- Aconf ("Academic Conference Professional") - complete conference solution (too many features)
- Papercall - $500 per event
- Can’t customize form, its items, labels and descriptions
- “Talk Format” and “Audience Level” are pretty cool
- “Elevator pitch” is the “abstract”
- “Description” is the extended abstract
- “Audience Level” doesn’t seem customizable
- “Talk Format” wasn’t available in the cfp-app, and it’s useful to specify a track! But limited to 4 items
- Not possible to specify gender, ethnicity, country
- There’s some customizable text in the submission form
- Shows submissions that need rating
- Reviewing interface is clearer
- Inviting reviewers should be easier - including Francisco!
- Alex Casalboni is already familiar with it
- No difference between reviewer and organizer?
- Can you rate your own proposal?
- No soft decisions?
Open source:
- Clever Cloud can offer hosting and set up in exchange for sponsorship (logo... maybe something else?)
- steps for set-up:
- Change conf name
- Deactivate or configure social logins
- The authors of the cfp-app we're currently using (from RubyCentral) made significant changes to it — and they are so significant that they moved it to that new repo. What's interesting is that HaughtCodeworks is a web dev agency, so we can hire them for customizations of the app if we can't do them ourselves...
- We are already familiar with the app, so there is less uncertainty that this will work for us, and it will be easier to use
- It's used by industry and tech conferences, which are close to us in the way they are run
- blind reviews not possible
- tracks and formats (with duration) can be customized
- no public comment feature
- change “call for papers” to “call for proposals”
- how can we submit a paper? (i.e. a PDF… give an example from our proceedings)
- need somewhere to give additional details