Ideas for improvements - PAPIsdotio/cfp-app GitHub Wiki
Implement improvements either on RubyCentral or Devoxx app. Another idea would be to use (and integrate their SDK) for easy customization of the form?
Other ideas / nice to have:
- Add new user to Mailchimp
- Add drop down menu for authors to indicate who's the main audience for their talk.
- Make public comments anonymous. Change name to "Reviewers Comments".
- Only show the graph with history of number of submissions to admins (not to general public)?
- Send reminders to reviewers
- Add dropdown menus to ask how technical presentation is, and if it includes a demo (which?)
- Add photo of a speaker on stage, on the main page where the guidelines are
- Customize "CFPApp" in the top left corner to "PAPIs CfP"
- Send email confirmation after proposal was submitted
- Find how we can customize text on such as “What is your talk about?” and “Provide a concise description for the program […]”, so that it matches our indications in the guidelines; remind author that presentation is 20' when they write outline; exact text TBD later.
- Get notifications (sent to Slack via Mailclark) when speakers confirm or withdraw, or when they change abstract, title, etc.
- How to get CfP notifications sent to a custom email address? configured in Heroku? (doesn’t seem to be in the code)
- Remove ability to add more than 1 speaker
- Add ability to upload pdf paper?
- Add ability to upload slides (which should be sent to Google Drive) and specify info regarding talk (see Wufoo form: permission to share slides, interested in proceedings, etc.)
- Make Tags compulsory