3. PROBLEM DEFINITION - P-div-2023-24-ODD/Repo-03 GitHub Wiki

Need statement:

Gaming machine.

3.1 Question and answer

Sl.no Questions Answer Objective/Functions/Constraints
1. Should the machine be Automatic or Semiautomatic? Semiautomatic Objective
2. Should the machine be fixed or portable? Fixed Objective
3. What should be the weight of the machine? Around 3 kg Constraints
4. Should the machine be user friendly? Yes Objective
5. What should be the cost of the machine? Around 2000 Constraints
6. What types of levels should the model operate at Moderate Level Function
7. What should be the dimension of the product? (30530)feet Constraint
8. should it display game over if it Hits Another Car? Yes Function
9. Number of attempts per player? 1 Constraints
10. Which Direction Should The Motor Rotate? Clockwise Funtion

3.2 Basic Survey and requirements

Sl.no Observation from Surveys Requirements
1. Weight of the machine Should be easy to carry
2. Cost It should be under 2000
3. Materials
4. Number of attempts 1
5. Inputs Cars

3.3 Identifying Client's Objectives

Sl.no Objectives
1. Machine should be Semiautomatic
2. Machine should be in fixed place
3. Machine should be user-friendly

Problem Definition Version 1.1

Design a low cost semiautomatic machine, The machine should be in fixed place and it should be user-friendly.

3.4 Identify Constraints

Sl.no Constraints
1. Number of attempts per player be 1
2. Weight of the machine should be under 3 kg
3. Cost of the machine should be around 2000
4. Dimensions of the model should be within 1 feet

Problem Definition Version 1.2

Design a low cost semiautomatic machine, The machine should be in fixed place and it should be user-friendly. The number of attempts per level should be 1. The machine should not exceed more than 3 kg and the cost of the machine should be around 2000. The dimension of the machine should be 1 cubic feet.

3.5 Establish Functions

Sl.no Functions
1. Machine should operate at moderate level.
2. If The Car Hits Another Car it should display game over.
3. Motor has To Rotate In Clockwise Direction.

Problem Definiton Version 1.3

Design a low cost semiautomatic machine, The machine should be in fixed place and it should be user-friendly. The number of attempts per level should be 1. The machine should not exceed more than 3 kg and the cost of the machine should be around 2000. The dimension of the machine should be 1 cubic feet. The machine should operate at moderate level. When a car hits another car, display Game over. The motor has to rotate in clockwise direction.