Design Document - P-Wallis/TheRepairShop GitHub Wiki

Note: Due to Sean being locked out of his github account, info will appear here only after it can be copied from google docs.


  • Controls the character that receives the items that need to be repaired.
  • Then the item is brought to the station for it to be repaired.
  • A progress bar appears above the station.
  • An icon appears to indicate to the player that the repair is completed.
  • Player then picks up the item and brings it to the "Out" window.
  • Some items will need multiple things fixed, which means that they will need to go to multiple stations before the repair is complete.


  • Repair Experts
    • Stay at their repair stations.
    • Accepts item from player, if they are not already busy.
    • Alerts player when they are done.
    • New timer starts.
    • Player must take item from them before the timer expires.
    • If they do not, the expert will get upset with the player and will yell at them.
  • Customers
    • When a customer “enters the shop” an item will show up in the “In” queue, and they will receive a ticket on when the item will be done by.
    • A customer ticket will pop up from the bottom of the screen and a progress bar will appear in the ticket.
    • The customer will be “back in the shop” when their progress bar completes.
    • If the item is in the “Out” queue then the order is complete, the player is rewarded with 5 stars of reputation and the ticket will go away.
    • Else, a failure sound plays so the player knows that their reward has decreased, one star is deducted from the repair reward and a new progress bar appears in the customer ticket.
    • This can be repeated up to 4 more times, meaning the lowest reward a player can get from completing a repair is 1 star.


  • Each item needs a specific repair done to it.
    • Ex. A watch will only need to go to mechanical, but a cuckoo clock will need to go to mechanical and carpenter.
    • Ex. A guitar only needs to go to carpenter, but a Guitar with a case needs to go to carpenter and painter.
    • Ex. TV only electrical
  • The customers total progress bar is based on how many repairs are required, how long each repair takes and a buffer time which is based on how many stations the repair has to visit.
    • Ex. Watch Progress Bar (1 station): Mechanical (5 secs) + 1 station buffer (5 secs) = 10 secs
    • Ex. Cuckoo Clock (2 stations) : Mechanical (5 secs) + carpenter (5 secs) + 2 stations buffer (10 secs) = 20 secs
    • Ex. Guitar: Carpenter (5 secs) + 1 station buffer (5 secs) = 10 secs
    • Ex. Guitar with Case: Carpenter (5 secs) + Painter (2 secs) + 2 stations buffer (10 secs) = 17 secs

Game States

  • Start
    • Level 1
      • 3 Repair Stations, 1 step repairs, 3 minute time limit
    • Levels Progression
      • Each new level will have either a new station or more complex repairs
        • Ex. Lvl 2 = 3 Stations, 1 & 2 step repairs, 3 min
        • Ex. Lvl 3 = 4 Stations, 1 & 2 step repairs, 3.5 mins
        • Ex. Lvl 4 = 4 Stations, 1 - 3 step repairs, 4 mins
        • Ex. Lvl 5 = 5 Stations, 1 - 3 step repairs, 4.5 mins
        • Ex. Lvl 6 = 6 Stations, 1 - 4 step repairs, 5 mins
        • Ex. Lvl 7 = 6 Stations, 1 - 5 step repairs, 6 mins
        • Must get above 2 star average to advance to the next level
  • End
    • Player is given an average of their reputation from each level as their score