Asset List - P-Wallis/TheRepairShop GitHub Wiki


  • star System (empty, half empty, full)
  • character popup (character + item)
  • ordering system


  • characters
  • worktables
  • counter
  • floor
  • items (broken + fixed)
  • background mess



  • AnvilHammering : Metallic Hammering sound
  • Footsteps : soft hammering sound, intended to be used as footsteps loop
  • Painting : brush sound
  • Sawing : circular saw
  • Welding : electro welder
  • TimerTick : When running out of time
  • BackgroundMusic1

One shot

  • AnvilHammeringOnce
  • Fail : when something went wrong
  • GameStart : played once when the game starts
  • ItemPickup
  • ItemPutdown
  • NewTask : when player got a new stuff to be repaired
  • ScoreGain : success doing something
  • ScoreLose : failed doing something
  • Alert : When an expert finishes the job
  • Riser : expert is getting annoyed
  • Anger : expert's anger bursts out
  • Bell1 to Bell5 : Bell, ascending order
  • Button1 to Button4 : UI button sounds

Humanoid (Not working on right now)

  • work done
  • work received
  • work unsatisfied
  • work angry
  • work pleased