3. Problem Definition - P-Odd-2022/Repo-14 GitHub Wiki

Need Statement

In the present pandemic situation, an institution needs a first aid kit in laboratory which dispenses cotton, band aid and ointment etc.

3.1 Question and answer

                                                     Table 1: Questions and Answers 
SI.No. Questions Answers Objective/Constraint/Function
1. Should the machine be automatic? The machine should be semi automatic Objective
2. Should the machine be movable? The machine should be portable and movable Objective
3. What should be the dimensions of the machine? The machine's volume should be less than 5 cubic feet Constraint
4. What should be the weight of the machine? The machine should not be more than 3kgs Constraint
5. Should the machine be easy to use? The machine should be user friendly Objective
6. What should be the cost of the machine? The machine should be priced below 3000 Constraint
7. What should be the efficiency of the machine? The machine should be able to dispense product within 10 seconds Function
8. What should be the features of the machine? The machine should be dispensing different items for different buttons Function
9. How should the machine dispense dettol? The machine should be dispensing dettol and other items as and when required Function
10. How should tablets dispense from the machine? The machine should be sensing tablets while dispensing Function
11. Should the dispenser be machine aesthetic? The aspects of the machine should be designed in a beautiful way. Objective

3.2 Basic Survey and requirements:

                                                        Table 2:Observation from Survey
SI.No. Observation from Survey Requirements
1. Cost The machine should be cheap and affordable
2. Weight of the machine The machine should be light weight
3. Ease of usage The machine should be user friendly

3.3 Identifying Client's Objectives

                                                        Table 3: Objectives Identified 
SI.No. Objectives
1. Machine should be semi automatic
2. Machine should be movable
3. Machine should be user friendly
4. Aspects of the machine should be aesthetical

Problem Definition Version 1.1:-

Design a semi automatic first aid dispenser, which is portable and user friendly.The features of the machine should be aesthetical.

                                                       Table 4: Constraints Identified 

3.4 Identifying Constraints

SI.No. Constraints
1. Machine's volume should be less than 5 cubic feet
2. Machine should not be more than 3kgs
3. Machine should be below Rs. 3000

Problem definition version 1.2:-

Design a semi automatic first aid dispenser, which is portable and user friendly. Machine's volume should be less than 5 cubic feet and weight should be less than 3kgs. The machine should not cost more than Rs. 5000

3.5 Establish Functions

                                                       Table 5: Functions Identified
SI.No. Functions
1. Machine should be dispense item like dettol,tablets
2. Machine should be dispense different items for different input within 10 seconds
3. Machine should be dispensing dettol and other items when required
4. Machine should be dispene dettol while sensing the hand

Problem Definition Version 1.3:-

Design a semi automatic first aid dispenser machine, which is portable and user friendly such that the machine should be pleasingly aesthetic. Machine's volume should be less than 5 cubic feet and weight should be less than 3kgs. The machine should not cost more than Rs. 3000. The machine should dispense different items for different input within 10 seconds. The machine should dispense item like dettol, tablets with user input.The machines should sense the hand to dispense the dettol.The machine should dispense tablet with user input.