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In the present pandemic situation an institution needs a First aid kit which dispenses Cotton , Bandegs ,Ointment ..etc


When you provide basic medical care to someone experiencing a sudden injury or illnes, it is known as First aid. First aid kit consist of Cotton, Bandages, Ointment, Dettol, Tablets etc. First aid consist of the initial support provided to someone in the middle of a medical emergency. This support might help them survive until proffesional hlep arrives. Hence there is need of first aid dispensing machine


The importance of First Aid is hard to overestimate. The largest benefits of First Aid are: It allows those trained with the potentially life saving ability to assist an injured or ill person during a variety of emergency situations. Hence first aid kit is nececssary at all the public places ,schools,colleges...etc. Carrying first aid kit to different places is some time difficult ,hence to overcome this difficulties developing first aid dispensing machine is neccessary. A first aid dispensing machine is a kind of money operated machine which dispenses goods automatically such as cotton, bandages, ointment, tablets, and other first aid products. It allows the customers to get what he wants after inserting a certain amount of money or credit into the machine.


  • These are convenient and they allow customers to get what they need in a time and cost saving matter will able to access the medicine with the help of this machine even at the night time. With this, first aid can be provided in time to the user. Very easy to use

Components Used:

SI. No. Components or Parts used Image Mechanism/working principle Link
1. Breadboard 400 points Breadboards are designed to work with through-hole electronic components. These components have long metal leads that are designed to be inserted through holes in a printed circuit board (PCB) that are plated with a thin copper coating, which allows the components' leads to be soldered to the board. https://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/references/how-to-use-a-breadboard#:~:text=Breadboards%20are%20designed%20to%20work,be%20soldered%20to%20the%20board.
2. Jumper wire (15cm) Jumper wires are simply wires that have connector pins at each end, allowing them to be used to connect two points to each other without soldering. Jumper wires are typically used with breadboards and other prototyping tools in order to make it easy to change a circuit as needed. http://blog.sparkfuneducation.com/what-is-jumper-wire#:~:text=Jumper%20wires%20are%20simply%20wires,change%20a%20circuit%20as%20needed.
3. Arduino mega 2560 + wires The Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560. It has 54 digital input/output pins (of which 15 can be used as PWM outputs), 16 analog inputs, 4 UARTs (hardware serial ports), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/arduinoBoardMega2560
4. IR Sensor The emitter is an IR LED and the detector is an IR photodiode. The IR photodiode is sensitive to the IR light emitted by an IR LED. The photo-diode’s resistance and output voltage change in proportion to the IR light received. This is the underlying working principle of the IR sensor. https://robu.in/ir-sensor-working/#:~:text=The%20photo%2Ddiode's%20resistance%20and,back%20to%20the%20IR%20receiver.
5. Toy servo SG90 Servo motor works on PWM (Pulse width modulation) principle, means its angle of rotation is controlled by the duration of applied pulse to its Control PIN. Basically servo motor is made up of DC motor which is controlled by a variable resistor (potentiometer) and some gears. https://circuitdigest.com/article/servo-motor-working-and-basics#:~:text=Servo%20motor%20works%20on%20PWM,(potentiometer)%20and%20some%20gears.
6. DC Motor The DC motor is the motor which converts the direct current into the mechanical work. It works on the principle of Lorentz Law, which states that “the current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic and electric field experience a force”. And that force is the Lorentz force. https://robu.in/working-principle-of-dc-motor/#:~:text=The%20DC%20motor%20is%20the,force%20is%20the%20Lorentz%20force.

Different Models Of Vending Machines:

SI.No. Image Link
1. arduino-vending-machine 3 https://circuitdigest.com/project/arduino-based-vending-machine
2. Medical vending machine 2 https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/mihir-khara/medicine-reminder-and-vending-machine-18f063
3. Sanitiser dispensing machine 2 https://www.instructables.com/Diy-Automatic-Sanitizer-Dispenser/
4. mask dispenser 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_RXfDeFDbw


YouTube Videos: https://youtu.be/rbAeS274NLw

Websites: https://howtomechatronics.com/projects/diy-vending-machine-arduino-based-mechatronics-project