2. Problem Definition - P-Odd-2022/Repo-05 GitHub Wiki

Automatic Pattern Drawing Bot

  1. Need Statement: In an art craft supply store,there is a need for a machine that can draw different shapes or patterns.
  2. Designers:Ananya,Suman Patil,Ajeet Shyanavad,Goutam Giriraddi
  3. Client:Mr. Prashant Udapudi
Sl. No. Questions Answer Objective/Constraint/Functions
1. Is it Automatic or semi-automatic Semi-automatic Objective
2. Is Machine Fixed or Portable Portable Objective
3. Maximum weight of the machine As less as possible Constraint
4. What should be the size of the machine '1.5ft','1.5ft','1ft' Constraint
5. What is the maximum time of usage per day? 2-3 hours Constraint
6. Is it electrical or battery based Battery Objective
7. What should be the cost? Within 5000 Constraint
8. Does the machine indicate power? Yes Function
9. Is the machine user friendly Yes Objective
10. What other features are expected? Alerting after completion Function
11. Will there be place for storage of pens/markers? Yes Function
12. Does the machine sense paper? Yes Function


Sl.No Objectives
1. Machine should be semi-automatic
2. Machine should be portable
3. Machine should be battery based
4. Machine is user friendly
5. Machine is hygienic

Problem definition 1.1:Design a Automatic Pattern Drawing Bot, which is semi-automatic ,which is hygienic, it should be portable and user friendly ,it runs through battery.


Sl.No Constraints
1. Machine should be less than 5kg
2. Size of machine be 1.5 ft,1.5 ft,1 ft
3. Time of usage be 2-3 hours
4. Cost be within 5000

Problem definition 1.2::Design a Automatic Pattern Drawing Bot,which is semi-automatic,which is hygienic ,it should be portable and user friendly ,it runs through battery. Machine should be light weight ,it should not exceed 1.51.51 feet,usage of the machine be within 2-3 hours ,to build the machine budget should not exceed Rs.5000.


Sl.No Functions
1. Alerting after completion
2. machine senses paper
3. machine indicating power
4. storing of pens/markers

Problem definition 1.3:Design a Automatic Pattern Drawing Bot, which is semi-automatic, which is hygienic, it should be portable and user friendly ,it runs through battery .Machine should be light weight ,it should not exceed 1.51.51 feet ,usage of the machine be within 2-3 hrs ,to build the machine budget should not exceed Rs.5000.Machine should indicate the user after design process is completed ,it indicates power and has the facility for storage of pens/markers and also senses the paper.